Region: High Arctic
Epidemiological Status:

Vector habitat

Threat Potential:


Governing Authority:

No comprehensive authority. CSIRA monitors and manages crisis points; no persistent endemic governance.


Unknown (est. <1.5 million). 0% retrofitted against ßehemoth.


Scavenger/Hunter-gatherer. Some tribal and municipal assemblages. Techological level varies between individuals.


Little distributed power generation: geothermal and portable (CAESAR) reactors in some towns. Food production a combination of industrial photosynthesis, small-scale mesofaunal farming, and fishing (mainly of a circumpolar population of feral char, engineered for high growth and low-salinity tolerance). Meltwater abundant.


High arctic habitat is inhospitably cold for free-living ßehemoth, and therefore relatively free of contamination. However, the Canadian high-arctic archipelago recently experienced an influx of refugees from the North American hot zone; infected refugees comprise a potentially devastating pool of vectors which could innoculate ßehemoth into pristine areas should they survive to penetrate more heavily-populated areas. Further, the pre-ßehemoth indigenous population of the high arctic tends to be relatively independent, showing little respect for official authorities of any stripe. This population, though sparse, is unruly and potentially dangerous.