Region: | Greenland/Iceland |
Epidemiological Status: | Clear. Precautionary quarantine in effect. |
Threat Potential: | Moderately low |
Governing Authority: | Ecototalitarian Coalition (CSIRA/Progressive Party) |
Population: | 2,900.000, rising. 7% retrofitted against ßehemoth. |
Development: | Technology current. Local nets partitioned as a precautionary defense against virulent wildlife. |
Production/Resources: | Power grid exclusively hydro and geothermal. Has become the world's leading supplier of metals and ferrosilicates with the disintegration of the Greenland Ice Shelf and consequent exposure of inland mineral resources. Food production mainly hydroponic and aquacultural; industrial photosynthesis being phased in in anticipation of the loss of open-water fish farms to ßehemoth contamination. Meltwater abundant; along some of Greenland's northern reaches, glacial melt has freshened surface seawater sufficient for Human use without extensive desalination. |
Comments: | Control of Greenland relinquished to Reykjavik in 2043. Greenland has become the single most vital producer of raw materials for construction and relocation efforts in Antarctica and Australia, but flooding, rebound, and substrate instability make mining hazardous in the interior. The same factors render most of Greenland uninhabitable except along the coasts, and even here communities have withered with the disappearance of traditional maritime resources. Greenland is therefore unattractive habitat to refugees from other Arctic areas who might seek access to more populated areas, while Iceland is rigorously governed and its perimeter closely monitored. While ßehemoth is expected to make inroads into the warming environment eventually, Greenland and Iceland are expected to remain at maneagable risk levels for most of the next decade. |