Mission File: | Theseus |
Launch Date: | 16/11/2083 |
Last Update: | 01/02/2095 |
Status: | Dormant |
Theseus dispatched to investigate Burns-Caulfield Kuiper artefact in the wake of the Firefall event. Mission redirected to Oort after the approach of advance high-gee probes apparently triggered a self-destruct response in the target artefact on 12/02/2084. New destination assigned following rediscovery of an anomalous X-ray torsion flare of possibly intelligent origin in the IAS database, hailing from a previously-undocumented Oasa Emitter (OE-5932).
Extensive telemetry received during approach, totaling [classified]. Apparent [classified] discovered in [classified]. Contact increasingly intermittent due to strong EM interference generated by OE-5932. Contact lost on 13/12/2089 and has not been subsequently restored, with the possible exception of isolated radio fragments of uncertain origin, broadcast along the [classified] band.
A relay beacon left outside OE-5932's field of interference remains operational, continuing to deliver data and quantum AM-specs to Theseus's last known location; there has been no return traffic for six years, however. The Consortium continues to broadcast in the hope that the mission is ongoing despite an inability (or unwillingness) to respond. Extensive re-analysis of the IAU astronomical database has revealed no comparable phenomena either ongoing or in the archives. Monitoring continues on all wavelengths.
A follow-up mission is in the advanced planning stages, but the Consortium is still recovering from the global expenditures involved in launching the original Theseus mission. Pending either improved intelligence or a vastly improved global economic outlook, no launch date has been set.
Theseus navigational track from launch to loss of contact on 13/12/2089.