Author Archive

The 2020 Back-End Escapist Fan Art Festival.

Looks like WordPress changed the rules: you can’t embiggen by clicking any more. You have to right-click and select “View Image” instead. Stupid WordPress. Time for the semiannual Gallery Update—that moment when, coddled by a comfy world devoid of trouble, you can dip into newly-uploaded visions of Wattsian dystopia for a bit of cold water […]

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Frozen 3

For three hours Moore had barely moved a muscle. He’d sat petrified as they stepped over Sengupta’s body and left him behind—the vampire in the lead, the biologist bumbling haplessly in her wake. He’d sat as the deck tilted a little, and a little more, some small abstract part of him marveling that his chair […]

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Howard Roarke: The Gritty Reboot

Thalberg again. “I didn’t know you built robots, Mr. Gregory.” Leon squints into his spex. “I don’t.” “I’m in Point Grey right now, looking at one that has your handiwork all over it.” “Point Gr—oh.” It comes back to him. “Vortex.” The feed switches to Thalberg’s drone, hovering over a dead Honda Kamakiri splayed across […]

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SF for the Pearl-Clutching Set.

A quick PSA before we get started: Web maestro Anton Reponnen has posted a brief essay over at Communication Arts, describing the process of designing around Danil’s film (and around the enormous amount of background material that frames it). It’s full of insights into the way the Memories wing explicitly echoes the motifs of […]

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Memento with Scramblers: Krivoruchko Crushes It.

It started out modestly enough; a handful of CG artists banding together to make a few hi-def stills for the rifters fan-art gallery. Then it grew into a kind of Blindsight fan site; then a faux trailer for a movie adaptation that did not exist. Finally, a short film in its own right: snatches of […]

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Raised by Wolves. Written by Idiots.

SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. You have been warned. 8.5 on IMDB. 77% from the critics aggregated on Rotten Tomatoes (“Bristling with imagination and otherworldly imagery, Raised by Wolves is a bloody exploration of artificial intelligence and religious belief that will stimulate the eye and mind”). An 81% audience rating at the same site. Even the traditionally […]

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Strahan et al‘s Year’s-Best-SF Reddit.

This is not a real blog post; just a PSA for those of you wise enough to avoid Facebook. Jonathan Strahan (one of the genre’s premiere anthologists, not that you need to be told) is hosting an AMA over on Reddit to pimp his latest Year’s Best anthology; it’s running pretty much all day, it’s […]

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Art, Interviews, and Second Life.

For some reason, my travel plans have been severely curtailed over the past few months. I have, however, been all over the place online: interviewed by Julie Nováková as one of the contributors to her Strangest of All anthology (fair warning, the video on my end is Chunky Pixel Soup); doing the inaugural AMA at […]

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Rape and Beans: Hope for Humanity in Westworld 3

A PSA before we get started. Those of you looking for insights into the whole Pandemic Thing—and who have an hour and change to spare— might want to check out Through The Noise’s interview with Dan Brooks. This is one of the guys who saw it coming. I loved The Matrix, despite its flaws. I […]

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PSA Reprise: The Sound of Horsemen Riding.

This was supposed to be my review of Westworld, Season 3 (We’re not angry, Mr. Nolan. Just very, very disappointed). But between various professional obligations and maybe a little, you know, borderline obsession with this Alyx character, time got away from me again and if I wait any longer to announce a couple of upcomings […]

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