Archive for misc

Fallen Giant

Sometimes, in defiance of entropy, little knots of complexity form in the universe and awaken. I have always found it deeply unjust that such knots, sooner or later, always stop. Each is unique, each cognizant, and if I were running things, the moment matter developed enough complexity to look around and start asking questions, well, […]

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You Know Who You Are.

Anyone who rattles off phrases like “the fetid litterbox of his deranged and hostile cats” with such effortless abandon can wax my balls any time. Even if they got the whole bathrobe thing completely wrong.

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Just a few bits of miscellanea on my way out the door: The disgustingly-but-unforgettably-named “Puppy Buckets” has posted a review of the soon-to-be-resurrected Starfish — although if you hang out here regularly you’ll already know whether the book’s any good. We’re less than a month away from the paperback edition of Blindsight, and to drum […]

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Fear Me.

Look at this title-page from a recent technical publication. Look at the Institutional affiliation. Look at it, bitches: That’s right. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. The Black Ops Capital of the western hemisphere. The guys who sell their obsolete cast-offs to IMF. Now look at this extract from the actual report (you may have to click […]

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The Church of the Buttered Nose

So you start the day as you always have: you wake up to the feel of a claw piercing your internasal septum. You get out of bed, stumble down the hall, feed the cats. Pee. Open the blinds. Wander back into the kitchen; nuke a couple of muffins; mix up a bowl of oatmeal; smear […]

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Bull Balls

Okay, another Crawl Cockup Call. I imagine a lot of you subscribe to the RSS feed to this thing. Has said RSS feed, over the past day or so, been feeding you pictures of bull testicles with the slogan “I am a dirty bandwidth thief” in place of real graphics? I apologize if so. Some […]

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Hey, anybody out there use Internet Explorer to read this ‘crawl? If so, are you finding the entries peppered with hacked up fragments of javascript that are supposed to be invisible? Stuff like < !--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> just thrust all ugly-like between paragraphs? I don’t suppose someone could have just, you know told me that my […]

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"God is Gonna Kick Your Ass You Infidelic Pagan Scum"

A few parting links, in keeping with the Christmas Spirit: The Amazing Virgin Pregnancy, courtesy of Overcoming Bias The Gospel According to St. Nicholas, the latest and most edifying of the gnostic gospels, courtesy of Cliff Burns; and lastly, by way of some obscure corner of IcanHasCheeseburger that for some mysterious reason hasn’t yet made […]

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A Plea to the Locals

Hey. Ontarions. Help. Can anybody recommend a decent landline phone carrier that isn’t Rogers or Bell or Telus, and that hasn’t been engulfed by any of those guys? For the next few months at least, it ain’t economical for me to go purely cell — but all the Big Three landline vendors seem to suck […]

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A Lack of Focus

Been a while since I posted, I know. Not for lack of material. I’ve been meaning to post a few more I, Robot-type findings — more hardwired-aesthetics, this time centering around the “Golden Ratio”; more unsurprising evidence of a developmental basis for pedophilia, along with the (even-less surprising) preemptive disclaimers by the researchers that oh […]

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