Archive for misc

Brittle Imaginings

Pursuant to Remedial Gigerology’s digression into scrambler/ophiuroid relationships, here’s my impression of one, cobbled together from pieces of the other. Consider it a belated Hallowe’en treat: And what the hell: seeing as how we’re on the subject of my favorite holiday, here are a couple of blasts from the past. Even casual visitors will have […]

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Behold, the Dawning of a New Literary Movement.

Squidpunk. My own contribution to this groundbreaking anthology will be called “Tentacles of Vague Unease”.

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Guest Stars

Today we take time to honour the works of others, especially when such works reflect well on me in some way. First up is this cool rendition of Lenie Clarke, rendered by one Brian Prince (who quite needlessly apologises for its “hastiness”). I love the look and the apocalyptic mood of this piece. I even […]

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The Best Piece of Prose I Ever Wrote.

Oh, so much to report. Readercon (at which I met some of you, who did not buy me nearly as many beers as I had hoped). The Campbell Decision (which one might normally call “controversial”, except as far as I can tell, reaction has been unanimous). The mysterious disappearance of 22 of the 30 reader […]

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