Archive for misc

Never Trust a Gastropod.

I met Toronto’s mayor last night. The satanic Dave Nickle and I ended up at the Duke of Richmond, in the wake of a late city council meeting he’d been covering. Dave was buying, having racked up a whole evening’s worth of Blood Beers on account of all the snails he’d stepped on during our […]

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And While We’re On the Subject…

Courtesy of the Shoe-On-Other-Foot Dept…

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For want of a nail.

For decades now, experts from all walks have provided sage wisdom about the need to save for my declining years. We no longer live in a word of services, they’ve told me. We live in a world of ownership. It is not enough to save. You must invest. And this can sometimes be hard to […]

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Yeah, I know. Merciful extended silence again. Not that there’s nothing to talk about. There’s a paper just out in Consciousness & Cognition which purports to prove that logical thinking requires consciousness (which would seem to contradict other findings, but I haven’t read the paper yet so who knows). I’ve been ruminating on the inherent […]

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Reznor and the Singularity

Well, they suckered me. After I’d heard so much about the vaunted FX of Nine Inch Nails’ live show, Reznor et al stomped through an opening assortment of Slip and Year Zero tracks against a competent-but-hardly groundbreaking backdrop of coloured spotlights and dry-ice vapor. Four or five songs in, I was resigning myself to merely […]

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The voices that control me from inside my head say I shouldn’t kill you yet.

Self-loathing giant squid. Bad-ass fucking fractals. If Randy Newman did the theme for The Passion of the Christ. A furry old lobster and a creepy doll. GLaDOS. An extended dance remix of a contest for the world’s best pants. Tom Cruise. Oh, and your brains. I just had front-table seating at Jonathan Coulton’s first-ever Canadian […]

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In Honor of George Carlin

Just a few days ago, I got a rather odd piece of e-mail apparently meant for me even though the salutation read “Dear Mr. Kelly”. At least, if it wasn’t meant for me, there’s some other author out there whose writing is “not a fun place to be”, and in which the ocean plays a […]

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Night of the Non Sequiters

So the CBC pushed, as bullies are wont to do; only this time the rights holders of the iconic “Hockey Night In Canada” pushed back. Now, the game’s afoot; Stephen Colbert has promised to make a habit of singing the newly-freed HNiC “while punching beavers in the face!” (oh, and — non sequiters within non […]

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Jury Duty, Day 3

bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored boredbored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored boredbored […]

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Jury Duty, Day 1.5

Morning uneventful, with the exception of a brief episode in which some doofus at the next table was heard to opine that “It’s just a myth that we’re running out of oil” and I practiced my inestimable skills at self-discipline by not throwing a bag of peanuts at his head. Got some writing done on […]

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