Archive for misc

Jury Duty, Day 1.

We begin with an educational video on the Joys of Jury Duty so lame that just watching it made me feel like I was living an episode of The Simpsons. Inspirational music susurrating around the voices of really bad actors wearing head scarves and hard hats, all spouting variants of “When I was summoned for […]

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A Word to my Imposter

So it turns out there’s this Peter Watts page on Facebook, and it reports on the presence of this Peter Watts character who evidently joined Facebook on April 11 2008, and who posted cover art from my books and also posted, I’m guessing, that sepia-tinged photo of me from Readercon. The thing is, that person […]

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Breaking Camp

Been a significant gap between postings, I know. Chalk it up to a bit of work getting done (first installment of Reality, ReMastered goes live next week or the week after, I think), a lot of other work not getting done, and, once again, the ill-advised decision to buy a laptop from Dell which has […]

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Kill Me Now.

Evidently Michael Bay has been signed to adapt the Rifters trilogy, judging by this poster of Lenie and Kenny. I had not realized that Lubin was black. Nor that he propelled himself, er, anally. I guess this is the price one pays for movie adaptation. Thanks to one Matt Arnold for the coffee/saliva stains all […]

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Christian Rock Band: The Album Cover*

You can tell from the salacious, revealing costumes. Because in Nebraska, this is the most you can get away with. *Photo by Dan Brooks

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The Brown Lands…

…Just outside Mordor. So. Where am I now? (Lars, if you’re out there, I rescued a box turtle in your honour the other day. To commemorate, I carved your name into his plastron.)

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Ultima Thule, That’s Where.

It is May 2nd. The middle of Spring. Two days ago, where I am now, it was 27°C. This is the most sheltered side of my cabin: This is the approach to my cabin: I have no exact numbers for you, but I can tell you that wind speed is strong enough to make the […]

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Trudeau Was Wrong

The universe is not unfolding as it should. It is merely unfolding as it always has. It was a nice dream while it lasted: a grass-roots campaign, launched and promoted by the scientific community, supported by Nobel Laureates, endorsed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, pimped on science blogs far and wide: […]

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Music is a drug

At least, the endorphin receptors in my head are still buzzing madly almost an hour after the encore ended. I kind of lost touch with Oysterband back in the early nineties, when they decided no one was listening to their lyrics anyway so they might as well just have fun and do covers of I […]

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Flash & Flesh

After endless harangues from various online sites telling me I couldn’t view their fucking galleries until I installed the latest version of Flash, I overcame my usual aversion to so-called “upgrades” (MediaPlayer 11, anyone?) and complied. Now the Vampire Domestication talk (here, and here) is broken in Firefox (both 2 and Beta), Netscape, and Opera: […]

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