Archive for public interface

Fast Forward

They have an entire wall of prog-rock albums here, replete with listening stations.  They have a dealer’s room which  puts a lot of real bookstores to shame.  They have cool sculptures and a shitload of guest authors in whose shadow I pale; I have drunk and snarfed at length in the company of China Miéville, […]

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Beasts with Broken Backs

This posting consists of a wadge of a accumulated items, unceremoniously horked onto the ‘crawl with no common thematic underpinnings beyond the fact that it’s all part of the backlog. I have met the major honking deadline which resulted in all these weeks of radio silence (and I’m told I’ll even be able to talk […]

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Postcard from Purgatory

Dear Subject_Name_Here: No, I’m not back.  Yes, I’m still working my ass off.  No, I still can’t talk about it. Yes, when I can talk about it you will doubtless be disappointed, because it’ll be  pretty anticlimatic (in the dramatic sense, not the global-warming-denier sense).  But I’m going to come up and gulp a breath […]

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Worth the Price

If wifi were water, this place would be Arrakis. Free bandwidth is an alien concept in Australia. A minute of internet is treasured more than the rarest jewel (or at least, it costs as much). Notwithstanding which, this country rocks. I could go on about the fact that the neurotoxins that developed in this place […]

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Okay, I lied.

This is the last post before oblivion, and I make it only to repeat and highlight old news, buried in past Comment Streams, that the “Offensive Squid” forum does in fact exist now, right over here, and is just dying for pithy posts on anything from the neurology of mantis shrimps to the recurring philosophical […]

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Parsec. Pictures. Pause.

One last miscellaneous grab-bag before oblivion, folks: Parsec: As in, the award. This is old news (it was announced late last month, I think), but “The Things” — or rather, Kate Baker’s wondrous, melancholy performance of “The Things” — has been nominated for the Parsec Award under “Best Speculative Fiction Story (Short Form)”. Kate squeed […]

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Smokin’ in the Girl’s Room

This whole writing retreat thing is stranger than I remember it. This is the approach to my bedroom.  My bedroom door is the pale green thing with the poster taped across it: For those of you with teensy monitors, here’s a closeup of the sign outside said approach: Yes, you read that right.  My bedroom […]

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The Con of Wrath.

I’ve always had ambivalent feelings about Polaris. Formerly “Toronto Trek”, one of the huger local cons, it changed its name a few years back and started featuring sf novelists in an attempt to expand into the literary end of the sf pool. Their media roots have always remained front and center, though. When I appear […]

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Polaris Schedule

If you’ve noticed the new “Coming Attractions” element on the sidebar (which only renders properly if you insert its code into the middle of the calendar elements, for some reason — some day I really gotta figure out this php stuff from scratch instead of just poking it to see what happens), you may have […]

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A Query and a Caution

I don’t suppose any of you know anything about this?: I found it in my laptop bag the other day. I have no idea how long it was lurking in there. It might be there yet if my accursed Dell laptop hadn’t finally crapped out beyond any hope of redemption, forcing me to clean out […]

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