Archive for public interface

All About Me.

Here are a few bits and pieces that have been piling up in the background while I raged impotently against imaginary friends who let me down. Dr. Mark McCutcheon, of Athabasca University, is presenting a paper called “The copyfight, science fiction, and social media” at Congress 2010, a Canadian humanities and social science conference. I […]

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Keep the Creatures Safe from Harm

Busy, postingless weekend. Ad Astra gobbled up most of it, although even there I didn’t get to as much stuff as I’d have liked (there was in particular a room party in 020 that I wanted to check out). An audience member at the self-promotion panel emphasized that biographical, dear-diary-type blog postings are lame, because […]

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Ad Astra: Imbibum etum Vomitum

Ad Astra starts tomorrow. I suppose I should list my schedule, for any of you who might be in attendance: Friday 9pm, Crowne Room: Reading (with my buddy Dave Nickle). I’d been thinking of reading a bit of in-progress stuff from State of Grace, but then the Hugo nom happened so I think I’ll sample […]

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Hand Jobs for Hugo

And so it came to pass that a certain editor suggested we push “The Island” a little more front-and-center, for the benefit of any who might wish to read it before voting. And since I haven’t updated my Backlist page in longer than I can remember, I figured sure, why not. So you’ll find it […]

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Intersteller Islands, Frozen Frights, and Intimate Oases

I am about to disappear into the dismal Nebraskan winter for a week. There will be few if any postings during that time. I leave you with a few words from our sponsors. Some of you may remember my recent short story “The Island”, which appeared in Dozois and Strahan’s New Space Opera 2 (and […]

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He Speaks French. In English.

I was holding off on this but people have been twitting it for a few days — hell, someone even rated it, if I’m reading this right — so here you go.  ActuSF has posted their interview with me, in French and in the original English.  There’s not a whole lot of new stuff there […]

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In Which I Passionately Lament the Absence of Bestiality in First Person Shooters.

Brief follow-up to my last, strangely-popular post.  Someone going by the name of W. Flynn has started a list on “Authors Who Have Maced a Restaurant“. And while I am honored to be in such esteemed company, I can’t help noticing that the list itself is awfully small. I wonder if I could prevail […]

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Adventures in Dining, Part 1: The Case of the Scurrilous Scrotum.

The relationship between chili peppers and my scrotum has always been a difficult one. It got off to a rocky start back during grad school, when I was making vegetarian tacos in the nude.  Having crumbled a bunch of hot dry chili peppers into a bowl, I absently reached down with the same hand to […]

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The Exception That Doesn’t Exactly Contradict the Rule

Position statement here. While replying to a batch of comments on a recent thread, I encountered the following sentiment from Seruko: I am somewhat troubles by the lack of self-pimping. I really wanted to read ‘The Island’ but didn’t know it had been published until a month or so ago. If you can’t shill for […]

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Apparently, Octoberfest Actually Starts in September…

Back in Frankfurt for a couple of days (no, don’t get your hopes up— I’m not), and am too wiped after the flight to either check my rss feeds or venture out into my temporary neighborhood.  So here instead are some pictures from my permanant one: That last picture is courtesy of one Emma Sweet […]

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