Archive for public interface

The Final Lap

Last of my panels: Fermi/Drake, which, despite its Disneyfied title— and despite being held at 11am on the last bloody day of the con— was so jam-packed we had to move to a larger room halfway through the session.  It was the panel on which I talked the least, and learned the most.  I’m trying […]

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“You Can Never Be Cynical Enough”

…being one of my favorite quotes of the con so far, courtesy of Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman during an 80-minute Q&A on how science fiction led him into economics.  The night before, a couple thousand of us got to be flies on the wall for another hour-and-a-half free-form conversation between Krugman and Charlie Stross. You […]

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Way to break out of the ghetto there, folks…

People of Colour Meet & Greet.  Do you identify as a person of colour (racial minority, nonwhite, not of European ancestry, mixed race, etc.)? Come meet other fans of colour on Friday at 11:00 by the Programme area near Registration; we’ll leave at 11:15 and go someplace to eat, talk, and just hang out. All […]

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Lift Off

Okay.  Valve and Tull t-shirts packed, technical pdf’s lined up for reading en route, computers synched.  Next time you hear from me, it’ll either be from Worldcon or after (depending on whether I can find some spare bandwidth— am I the only person who finds it outrageous that every cheap-ass Motel 6 on the planet […]

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Worldcon Reading Poll

Quick informal survey here.  I’m a bit undecided about what to choose for my Worldcon reading, and since I’ve only got twenty minutes in the spotlight I don’t want to spend a chunk of it polling those attended (especially since the majority of them probably aren’t there for me anyway).  So I thought I might […]

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Anticipating Worldcon

So.  Montreal.  Next week.  Worldcon.  That thing where you spend some of your time on panels; more of your time feeling guilty about all the other panels you should be attending if you could just get your ass off the barstool; and hardly any of your time sleeping (well, except in your panels).  I guess […]

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Chicagoans, Rise Up. You have Nothing to Lose But…

… well, I guess, a few hours of your life that you’ll never get back.  And the price of a bus ticket if you don’t live within walking distance of the Oak Park Public Library.  Oh, and parking if you drive.  And gas.  However much all that costs.  You have that to lose as well. […]

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Off World

So of course, mere hours from climbing onto a transAtlantic flight to spend 14 hours in an airtight low-pressure environment at thirty thousand feet, three guesses as to what kind of bug decides to take up residence in my chassis. Right.  The sinus-clogging, throat-blocking kind.  The kind that can be kept at bay with decongestants […]

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Cephalopod Salad

Quite a bit has happened since the last time I came up for air.  Blindsight debuted in Hebrew— very cool cover design from Aya Ben Ron, I might add— and I’ve just received my first reader feedback from that edition (“Not a bad book.  … thank you for a pleasant evening, although I didn’t get […]

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The Turgid-Cat Tapes: English Transcript

I’ve just been informed that the original English exchange between myself and Marcin Zwierzchowski has been posted as a pdf over at Poltergeist; previously, only the Polish translation was online. You may find some nuggets there you haven’t seen before. Marcin didn’t quite manage to coax any confessions from me about my closet animal-snuff fetish, […]

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