Archive for public interface


Anyone speak Polish? Reason I ask is,  Google Translate renders the following from a comment following this interview, in reference to the above picture:  “A cat really turgid … is called the Banana”. Turgid. It must be a poor translation.  I can’t believe anyone would deliberately be so cruel.

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Locomotive Breathless

Things are happening in France. I have been told that SNCF, that country’s national train service, wants to webcast an excerpt of Vision Aveugle from the culture wing of their (vast) web site.  They do this on a regular basis, evidently:  conscript some French actor or writer type to read a twenty-minute book excerpt.  I […]

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Ad Astra Schedule

For the first time in a few years, I’ll be attending Ad Astra this weekend (March 27-29) — which is being held, as usual, way out in the boons to anyone without their own wheels.  Should you be interested in a) attending, and b) learning whether I have anything new to say that I haven’t […]

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The Genre That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Mind Meld is at it again.  This time they asked a bunch of us about taboos in sf, and the responses run the gamut. Steve Aylett laments the conservatism of the genre.  Glenda Larke seems to contradict herself.   Kristine Rusch and Mark Budz channel Pollyanna.  Margo Lanagan has obviously walked the walk.  Anna Tambour […]

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I Can Dream, Can’t I?

My Book, the Movie has posted my wish-list for the main cast of a Rifters movie; it’s also running over at Campaign for the American Reader, which sounds a lot less self-aggrandizing.  Thanks to all those who responded to my pleas for suggestions, especially those who turned me on to Ellen Page. Now, to the […]

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Flotsam in the Ego Surf

Oh, right.  As this online announcement reminds me,  I’ll be in London, Ontario Thursday of next week to do a reading at Fanshawe College (which is doubtless a great place to hang out even if its name is a bit more reminiscent of my ex-mother’s than I would like).  If you’re in the neighborhood, drop […]

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Unclouded by Conscience, Remorse, or Delusions of Morality.

At least, that’s how Paul McEnery describes the “viscera of human relationships” presented throughout my novels in his intro to my interview in the latest issue of h+.  The man treats me well:  the interview itself is chopped way down from our original Q&A (which makes some of my answers seem a bit, well, jittery), […]

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Sightings in the Wild

A couple of links to keep the pilot light going:  SF Signal has posted another installment of their Mind Meld series, this time asking various skiffy writers about their literary influences (and about who they influence in turn).  I’m in there, nestled amongst a dozen others.  I’m also evidently featured in an upcoming piece on […]

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Thank you all, for your thoughts on the best Hollywood faces to graft onto my characters. There are some great suggestions there; some head-slappingly perfect, some popular but utterly mysterious (Ellen Page as Lenie? What am I missing?), and some of limited utility but nonetheless entertaining. I will steal shamelessly from you all. But in […]

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I’m teaching a course on Writing Science Fiction at the University of Toronto

Or at least, I might be. Depends on how many people sign up. We’re talking Wednesday evenings, between October 1 and November 19: eight two-and-a-half hour sessions covering the hallmarks of the genre, tips and techniques on research and world-building, plot construction, character development— you know the list. It will be hands-on. You will write. […]

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