Archive for public interface

A Duality of Dysfunction at DragonCon

I was not at DragonCon this year. Actually, I have never been to DragonCon. But Aaron Douglas (aka deck chief Galen Tyrol*) was. And I’ll have you know that he actually requested, nay, even demanded the books you see in his hands, thanks to some subtle psychological manipulation by one adrienne everitt the week before […]

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I Talk Too Little

So the folks over at SF Signal approached me to answer their latest Mind Meld question, to wit, “Which science fiction or fantasy novels, past and present, do you consider to be the most controversial? Why?” And I answered, but I composed my answer during a couple of spare moments during Polaris, sitting cross-legged on […]

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A guy with a light saber. And his slave girlfriend on a leash.

One guess as to which of those elements I found hotter. Yup, there’s a whole different clientele that shows up at these Polaris things compared to, say, the more literary (those red-staters among us might say “effete”) affairs like Readercon. Out of the ten panels I sat on, only three had a literary focus; the […]

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The Smell of Fear

So. A mere four days before Polaris is scheduled to begin, I drop them a line to ask what events I’m scheduled for. Oops, say they, I guess we forgot to tell you. You’re scheduled for ten events. You’re moderating five of them. Guess you’d better start preparing, huh? It gets better. Some of the […]

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For Those Who Could Not Be With Us Last Night…

First, I am pleased and proud to announce that the Toronto Public Library does not overtly censor its public-access Internet terminals. True, if you enter “doggie snuff porn” or “bukkake” into the library’s default search engine you get only a single hit — which, when clicked on, boots you into an endless log-in loop that […]

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One Down, One to Go

The Toronto Public Library’s Big Honking Series On Speculative Fiction kicked off last night, as promised, with a panel discussion between Jim Gardiner, Karl Schroeder, and myself, with Mike Skeet proving more than up to the task as moderator. It was pretty well-attended, if I do say so myself. And it was fun. We kicked […]

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The Gospel According to St. Peter

Oooh, lookey here: Extrapolation doesn’t embargo. So, for any who actually want to read even more of my opinions, a pdf of Szeman and Whiteman’s whole damn interview is available here, at Imre Szeman’s web page out of McMaster University. It’s a rifters-heavy piece, but it also goes into my childhood plagiarism, the inadvisability of […]

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The Lost Chat: Gaming Edition

LightSol: Have you ever larped or role played any other way in your life? Got into AD&D in a big way during grad school. LightSol: Has one of your novels made into a game? Not professionally. Once, a long time ago, some fan made an online Starfish sexual-abuse role-playing game with rules like “No character […]

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Back in the Saddle

I guess it’s kind of official — my short story “The Eyes of God” is going to appear in that Solaris anthology I was cringeing about the other day. Dave Nickle thinks it comes a wee bit close to being pro-pedophile, but hey — at least I’m officially writing again. I wonder if NAAMBLA publishes […]

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You Take What You Can Get

Snagged from some online promotional pdf from Tor; looks like the trade paper is officially set for March ’08. The lurid red border seems to be absent this time around, and the title font actually looks quite cool; one can only hope they gave it a different colour than the split-pea soup tint of the […]

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