Archive for public interface


  You’ll be hearing from me fleetingly if at all over the next few days— I’m off to Kawasaki for HAL-Con 2014, with a mixture of fear and excitement and the profound hope that I’ll be able to find my way home again afterward. One nifty thing the HAL Con folks do is put out […]

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Excuses and Aspirations

It’s been a while. There’ve been these deadlines. A secret Munich gig I can’t talk about which might turn into something and might not: that took me to the end of January. February got swallowed by a lecture, two short stories, and the monthly Nowa Fantastyk column, all written from scratch. Not to mention an […]

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Being Something That Might Show Up in This Saturday’s Talk.

Or maybe not. It’s so hard to tell. I see so many patterns. Patterns everywhere…

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Cops and Rob-bers

Beyond-the-Rift-related items seem to have popped up here and there last week while I was overseas. Interviews went live at the inaugural episode of the rebooted Seattle Geekly, and at Freelance and Fiction. Reviews of BtR popped up at SF Signal and Publisher’s Weekly (both positive, although I don’t think the PW gave me a […]

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In Which I Graciously Respond by Moving Many Hands, and Also a Giant Elephant

So the “Animals are Assholes” interview is out, and I’m  not sure whether there was a misunderstanding during the actual interview or if Google Translate is no longer my friend— but just for the record I did  not say that giant squid eat jellyfish.  I said that in a few decades there’d be nothing left […]

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Goodreads Giveaway; ActuSF Interview; Ponies in Pith Helmets.

So I’m back, and only slightly jet-lagged, and there are a million things to do and a proper look back at Nantes would take more time than I’ll have for the next day or so.  If you don’t want to wait to check out the Great Elephant, drop in on Caitlin’s facebook album. If you […]

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Too Full, Too Late

So I’m coming up for air exactly long enough for a quick reminder about that Toronto Science Festival thingy you’ll see on the sidebar, that “Life in the Universe” weekend I mentioned a while back. Back then I reported that late Friday night I’d be sitting in a darkened room with astronomer Mike Reid, where […]

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Questions and Carnosaurs

So, screw Star Trek and Pacific Rim and transparently-manipulative surveys about nuclear power. It’s been a while since I’ve gone full narcissist; so here’s the latest in an occasional series of miscellaneous backlogged bits about me. This first item is a bit stale — I linked to the first installment of Fatal Libelli’s interview with […]

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The Ultimate Star Trek Reboot.

So it turns out that the University of Toronto is launching something called the Toronto Science Festival — a “three-day, public celebration of science–with keynote speakers, panel discussions, as well as a variety of performances, activities, film screenings, exhibitions and events” at the tail-end of September. This year’s theme (for indeed, the intention is to […]

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The Exact Opposite of a Shit Sandwich.

What the hell is wrong with this place? I leave town for one measly week and by the time I come back some bozo left the tub running and half the city’s underwater. Waiting for a taxi I couldn’t even get online to pass my galleys off to MIT: the airport servers flooded sometime during […]

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