Archive for public interface

Bons Mots.

Way over in France, ActuSF has posted an interview.  Go here for the Frawnsh translation; here for the original Canuckian).  If you want to know why I suck at writing villains, how American triumphalism forced me to turn Starfish into a trilogy, and exactly why I’m so defensive on the subject of vampires, you might […]

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Cold Vancouver, Creeping Votes

I’m on my way to Vancouver for a week (no, I can’t tell you why just yet — hopefully soon). And I gotta say, looking at the weather forecast I am not happy.  I lived in Vancouver for over a decade, and among its many pleasures was the torrent of cherry blossoms and the t-shirt […]

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Odd Man Out: The Starship Sofa Online Workshop

Starship Sofa (the phenomenal, out-of-nowhere, Hugo-award-winning brainchild of Tony Smith) is hosting an on-line event on March 31.  It’s being promoted as “a workshop for aspiring science fiction writers”, and at least two of the speakers bear this out: Ann Vandermeer will be talking about “Unlocking Your Creativity”, and Nancy Kress will describe techniques for […]

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The Anal Truth

These are the lies they tell you. First, that the flavor is vanilla.  It’s not. It smells like vanilla when you rip open the pouch — makes you think hmmm, like Nestle’s Instant Breakfast, this won’t be so bad — but the moment you mix it with water all sweet pretence disappears.  You’re chugging something […]

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You guys have a blast, though…

So, the second iteration of SFContario is underway just down the street.  A few people asked if I was attending this year.  Then they asked why not. It’s a good question.   The con is local.  A lot of my friends are going.  If the inaugural edition is anything to go by, the panels will be […]

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So. Poland again. Only this time, leaving the Warsaw Arrivals lounge I turned east instead of west to find myself confronted with two guys holding up a sign that reads Giant Squid. Already I like the place. They put me in — well, a monastery, maybe. At least it’s attached to a church of some […]

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Pictures, Post-Haste.

Mere moments from leaving for Poland again, and too frazzled for pithy commentary. So here, to keep you all occupied, are some miscellaneous pictures. The first is Marek Madej’s cover for Ars Machina‘s translation of Maelstrom, which I believe gets its official launch this weekend. (Google tells me that “Wir” translates as “Vortex”, which is […]

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Mystery Meat

…being a term generally applied to the entree at South Residence back at the University of Guelph.  This time, though, I’m talking about the mysteries of thinking meat, and a couple of thoughts thereupon which have sprung up elsewhere since I got back. The first is over at ChiZine‘s blog, which is currently running a […]

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Late-Breaking, Live-Streaming

If any of you have gotten bored and glanced over at the Coming Appearances slice of the sidebar, you may have noticed the Transhumanism Meets Design item coming up this weekend in New York.  It’s an event which, while not present in the flesh, I’ll be Skyping into around 1400 so that I may riff […]

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So. Ad Astra in retrospect. Pretty damn fine. (And no one was even capriciously banned from attendance, as far as I know.) I was loaded up with panels on Friday night, loaded up with panels on Sunday. Saturday was pretty much clear except for a reading in the morning and some kind of group autograph […]

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