Archive for fiblet

From the Air

We are the cavemen. We are the Ancients, the Progenitors, the blue-collared steel monkeys; a thousand interstellar expressways in a thousand derivative works of historical fiction rose by our hands. We’re the plot devices to let careless storytellers off the hook. We spin webs across the galaxy and conveniently disappear, millions of years before the […]

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Family Values

Screw this. I’m sick of being outnumbered by morons. I’m calling in reinforcements. Dix has got to have other parents, a father at least, he didn’t get that Y chromo from me. I swallow my own disquiet and check the manifest; bring up the gene sequences; cross-reference. Huh. Only one: Kai. I wonder if that’s […]

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Continuing Ed

I can almost remember mortality. I lived each day as it came, at the rate of one second per second— because really, what else was there to do? I can almost imagine immortality: all of infinite entropy stretching out before you, more than worlds enough and time to scale any peak a mind might set […]

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Serpent’s Tooth

You sent us out here. We do this for you. We break this painstaking trail, crawl across the universe while time itself runs down; we spin the webs and tie the knots and open the doors, then scuttle away before the light of your coming turns us into plasma. Is it too much to ask, […]

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Madonna and Child.

This time I open my eyes to a familiar face I’ve never seen before: only a boy, early twenties perhaps, physiologically. His face is a little lopsided, the cheekbone flatter to the left than to right. His ears are too big. And while the eyes below his frown shine with their own bright intelligence, I […]

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Coming in Perhaps a Bit Behind the Penguin Craze Curve…

The penguin chick bursts from the shellHis fetal bed has served him wellBut now, the newborn child will restWithin his windswept, treetop nest. Oh penguin child, oh fledgling fairStay snuggled in your jungle lairAnd when your mother comes to restYou’ll suckle at her feathered breast. Heed not the snarl, fear not the roarThe beasties on […]

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A Passing Phase

We’ve left so many things behind us. We celebrated the death of Earth itself, though we were dead to the world when Sol cooled and bloated and devoured it in a single bite. It wouldn’t have mattered; we were far beyond the light cone by then anyway. But we woke for the next build, and […]

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Job Security

We can’t go home again. I already said that, didn’t I? It’s true enough, most of the time. They told us going in: you will be lost in time and space. You’ll be past the point of no return long before your first gig even begins. You will wake up serving people centuries dead and […]

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