Archive for interviews

A Young Squid’s Illustrated Primer

Part the First: Liminal I recently did a kind of free-form interview with fellow US-border-guard-detainee Jasun Horsley, for his Liminalist podcast. It went okay, if you discount the fact that the Skype connection seemed to go dead without warning every couple of minutes. I certainly hope that we repeated our respective Qs and As often […]

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So, here we are again. Another year. The last one went decently enough, writing-wise at least. “The Colonel” got picked up for reprint both in Dozois’ Best SF 32 and in Allan Kaster’s Top Ten Tales of SF 7. “Collateral” made the ninth iteration of Jonathan Strahan’s The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the […]

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Announcements, Appearances, and Add-ons

Some ominous developments in the politics of the Canadian Surveillance State recently. A postmortem on Echopraxia waiting in the wings, now that the dust has settled. But in the meantime a bunch of links have been piling up, little self-aggrandizing things that, in isolation, weren’t important enough to warrant their own blog posts (they might […]

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Casting Call

Yeah, I’ve been quiet lately. Still working on the site, for one thing; finally got the Rifters and Blindopraxia galleries up and populated (Sunflowers and Shorts still to go): it’s a much cleaner layout than the old Gallery, and there’s a bunch of new material, so you might want to check them out. (Also, it’s […]

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Assorted Interrogatives.

Coming up to breathe for a moment in between web site renovations (going well, thank you) and attempts to burrow through a tangled morass of Russian bureaucracy (not so much— in fact, that whole trip just might go tits-up over the next couple of days), I see a couple of interviews have gone live.  In […]

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I Go Through a Lot of Pants

A number of years ago— I’m hazy on the details— I made the online acquaintance of one Henry Gee, author of numerous science and fake science books and an editor at Nature. Maybe it was through his role as the wrangler for “Futures”, the series of SF supershorts that finish off each issue in that […]

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In Which I Graciously Respond by Moving Many Hands, and Also a Giant Elephant

So the “Animals are Assholes” interview is out, and I’m  not sure whether there was a misunderstanding during the actual interview or if Google Translate is no longer my friend— but just for the record I did  not say that giant squid eat jellyfish.  I said that in a few decades there’d be nothing left […]

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Goodreads Giveaway; ActuSF Interview; Ponies in Pith Helmets.

So I’m back, and only slightly jet-lagged, and there are a million things to do and a proper look back at Nantes would take more time than I’ll have for the next day or so.  If you don’t want to wait to check out the Great Elephant, drop in on Caitlin’s facebook album. If you […]

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Questions and Carnosaurs

So, screw Star Trek and Pacific Rim and transparently-manipulative surveys about nuclear power. It’s been a while since I’ve gone full narcissist; so here’s the latest in an occasional series of miscellaneous backlogged bits about me. This first item is a bit stale — I linked to the first installment of Fatal Libelli’s interview with […]

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A Terminator with Training Wheels

So I was going to treat you to another fiblet today, but when you intersect previously-unposted excerpts with spoiler-free excerpts the overlap drops down into the single digits and the piece I wanted to post still needed a bit of work anyway (too many colons).  Which is what I was working on before this happened: […]

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