Archive for interviews

Giving Up on Life.

The ‘crawl’s been kinda quiet lately, mainly because I am (for the second time in as many years) on the last lap of this dumb novel. I am, in fact, committed to delivering the damn thing to  Tor before I leave for FinnCon — and I’m on track to do that, if I don’t let […]

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Pursuant to Last Post’s Comment Thread about Machine Suffering…

… as chance would have it, here’s an excerpt from a list of interview questions I’m currently working through from ActuSF in France: You raise the question of artificial intelligence, with the “intelligent frosts”, and quote in appendix both the works of Masuo Aizawa and Charles Thorpe on neuronal networks. Do you believe that in […]

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Mind Melds, Chimeras, Remixes.

I’m thinking about the whole should-we-or-shouldn’t-we dilemma regarding the release of research into genetically-modified avian flu.  I’m reading about pros and cons.  I’m trying very hard to make sure that impartial empiricism doesn’t get overwhelmed by my visceral desire for a planet-scouring megademic (there:  that ought to provide enough fodder to keep Lanius happy for […]

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Yeah, I know. Bad time for the ‘crawl to go into therapeutic coma, what with all the nifty neuroethical and neurocognitive and neurodeep-sea-mineral-exploitation stuff piling up on the feeds. I’ve jammed out on this month’s Gibraltar Point workshop as well, if it’s any consolation. On the plus side, though: 80,000 words down on State of Grace […]

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All About Me.

Here are a few bits and pieces that have been piling up in the background while I raged impotently against imaginary friends who let me down. Dr. Mark McCutcheon, of Athabasca University, is presenting a paper called “The copyfight, science fiction, and social media” at Congress 2010, a Canadian humanities and social science conference. I […]

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Undemocratic Journalism

I’ve noticed something, in all the recent coverage of my travails. It’s pretty much happened without me. I mean, sure, it’s about me. (Proximately, at least — I’d argue it’s ultimately about something much greater than a minor dust-up between an ageing author and some border-crawling nitwit who apparently lists We Hate Islam and Glenn […]

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In Which I Passionately Lament the Absence of Bestiality in First Person Shooters.

Brief follow-up to my last, strangely-popular post.  Someone going by the name of W. Flynn has started a list on “Authors Who Have Maced a Restaurant“. And while I am honored to be in such esteemed company, I can’t help noticing that the list itself is awfully small. I wonder if I could prevail […]

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The Turgid-Cat Tapes: English Transcript

I’ve just been informed that the original English exchange between myself and Marcin Zwierzchowski has been posted as a pdf over at Poltergeist; previously, only the Polish translation was online. You may find some nuggets there you haven’t seen before. Marcin didn’t quite manage to coax any confessions from me about my closet animal-snuff fetish, […]

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Anyone speak Polish? Reason I ask is,  Google Translate renders the following from a comment following this interview, in reference to the above picture:  “A cat really turgid … is called the Banana”. Turgid. It must be a poor translation.  I can’t believe anyone would deliberately be so cruel.

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Unclouded by Conscience, Remorse, or Delusions of Morality.

At least, that’s how Paul McEnery describes the “viscera of human relationships” presented throughout my novels in his intro to my interview in the latest issue of h+.  The man treats me well:  the interview itself is chopped way down from our original Q&A (which makes some of my answers seem a bit, well, jittery), […]

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