Archive for interviews

Sightings in the Wild

A couple of links to keep the pilot light going:  SF Signal has posted another installment of their Mind Meld series, this time asking various skiffy writers about their literary influences (and about who they influence in turn).  I’m in there, nestled amongst a dozen others.  I’m also evidently featured in an upcoming piece on […]

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…And Eric Cartman as Sarasti.

Calling out for some suggestions here. I seem to be juggling a small spate of interviews/online discussions at the moment, one of which is a long-overdue contribution to something called “My Book, the Movie“. This is an ongoing blog in which various authors dream a bit about who they’d like to see direct/star in/roach-wrangle movie […]

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Dying with Dignity

Anna Davour, a Post-doc out of Queen’s, has been hitting up various sf authors for informal bloggable interviews. This week was my moment in the sun. I say some nice things about the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and repeat my usual grumbling about Firefly. And if you’re not satisfied with mere wordage— if any of you […]

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From. About. By.

Me, that is. Isn’t it always? From: a few excerpts from the recent Locus interview have gone online. It’s not the whole thing, but it’s a taste. About: Puppy Buckets (whose name still makes me think of wood-chippers) likes Maelstrom. Maybe not as much as they liked Starfish, but then, a lot of people felt […]

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The Appearance of Evil

I actually like this photo by Amelia Beamer, which runs with the Locus interview I mentioned the other day. It doesn’t make me look like a goof. My face actually looks symmetrical for once, and the viewer is not overwhelmed by the magnitude of the nose. This is perhaps the most flattering photo of myself […]

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Ducks, Squirrels, and the Internet Review of Science Fiction.

Many months ago now, sf überfan Jan Stinson interviewed me for the Internet Review of Science Fiction — just before IRoSF lapsed into dormancy. In all honesty, I kind of forgot about it in the meantime. But the chrysalis has hatched, the new glorious IRoSF is letting its new wings dry in the sun (and […]

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The Green Spine

So the trade paperback edition of Blindsight showed up in my mailbox yesterday. Not bad, I guess. You’ve seen it before: they truncated the teaser text on the back, but that left room for more blurbage (which, I’m pleased to note, was actually about Blindsight this time around). I’m a bit doubtful about the presence […]

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The Frogs Are Swarming in the Milk

Going over the transcript of the Locus interview I did last July. I am grateful that Locus gives its interviewees the opportunity to “clarify or expand upon” aspects of such transcripts; I had no idea that such a smart guy as myself could be so inarticulate and unfocused. During the course of the actual interview […]

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The Gospel According to St. Peter

Oooh, lookey here: Extrapolation doesn’t embargo. So, for any who actually want to read even more of my opinions, a pdf of Szeman and Whiteman’s whole damn interview is available here, at Imre Szeman’s web page out of McMaster University. It’s a rifters-heavy piece, but it also goes into my childhood plagiarism, the inadvisability of […]

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A Lack of Focus

Been a while since I posted, I know. Not for lack of material. I’ve been meaning to post a few more I, Robot-type findings — more hardwired-aesthetics, this time centering around the “Golden Ratio”; more unsurprising evidence of a developmental basis for pedophilia, along with the (even-less surprising) preemptive disclaimers by the researchers that oh […]

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