Pearls Before Cows: Thoughts on Blade Runner 2049

Category: ink on art

Lers of Spoi.   You Have Been Warned.   I’ve been dreading this film ever since I heard it was in the works. I’ve been looking forward to it ever since I saw Arrival. Now that I’ve seen it, well, I’m… Vaguely, I don’t know. Dissatisfied? Not that Blade Runner 2049 is a bad movie […]

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Nazis and Skin Cream

Category: politics

I went out drinking the other night with someone who punches Nazis. Certainly, ever since Charlottesville, there’s been no shortage of people who advocate Nazi-punching. For a while there, my Facebook feed was awash with the emissions of people jizzing all over their keyboards at the prospect of punching Nazis. People who argued— generally with […]

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Occasional demons.

Category: fiblet, Sunflowers

It’s pretty much done. We even have a tentative publication date: June, 2018. All I need to do now is figure out how to embed a coded message into the text. In the meantime, a final fiblet. The Freeze-Frame Revolution. From Tachyon. It was the Monocerus build that broke her. The gremlin came out of […]

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The Return of the Slow-Wave Trader

Category: AI/robotics, economics

Excerpts from dinnertime conversation with a retired investment banker: Angela Merkel emerges from a meeting with Donald Trump. “Yes,” she says in answer to a reporter’s question, “we had a provocative but productive discussion.” She rolls her eyes. The market soars on hearing the good news. It soars because once again, after a brief hiatus […]

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Incorruptible, Indeed.

Category: writing news

So I wake up in a stranger’s apartment in Montreal, reset routers and flush/re-register dns caches and do all those other should-be-unnecessary things this piece-of-shit Lenovo demands I do before it spins some internal roulette wheel to decide whether or not I’ll have internet access this morning, and— What do you know. The X-Prize people […]

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A Tale of Two Cities (or, I Think I’ll Wait Another Year)

Category: On the Road, public interface, Uncategorized

The first city is Montreal, to which I’ll be returning next week: Concordia once more, this time to deliver a lecture entitled “The Best-Case Apocalypse: Why Reality Is Worse Than Fiction.” (I was going to call it “My Dinner With Daniel”, but I figured the reference might be too obscure.) It’s part of a longer […]

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Offred of Dune.

Category: ink on art

For a writer who grew up in an age when his chosen genre was routinely derided in polite company— when even impolite company could be forgiven for thinking that SF boiled down to megablockbusters about snarky sapient raccoons and alien-punching fighter pilots— it doesn’t get much better than waking up to find that a big […]

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The 600.

Category: On the Road, public interface

When a pop science symposium takes place in Bulgaria’s premiere, state-of-the-art convention hall— when past speakers include bestselling authors and actual scientists talking about their own cutting-edge research— and when they ask you to give a talk on a profoundly difficult branch of science in which you have no formal expertise whatsoever— it’s reasonable to […]

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Promises, Promises

Category: art on ink, ink on art, writing news

Yeah, it’s been a while. There’ve been deadlines: stories to complete, talks to give. Mostly met now, for the time being. I’m never deadline-free but the pressure’s off for a month or so. I’m back. There’s Bulgaria to report on, the usual crunchy science if I can get caught up.  Today, though, I’m going to […]

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Proof of Principle

Category: ink on art, On the Road, writing news

Dateline Munich. Scribbled in a near-coma while sitting in a chair which has been designed by aliens who obviously never looked at a human body. Which is to say, at an airport… Something slipped under my radar last week. I was nose-deep in “Freeze-Frame Revolution” and the upcoming Ratio talk, and when I looked up […]

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