Destination X.

Category: just putting it out there...

Hello, ‘crawlsters.  I would like to solicit your input on the following (utterly hypothetical) question: If, sometime in the next year, you could send me somewhere on this planet— somewhere from which I’d be obligated to report back on my experiences— where would it be? Some conditions apply. I would not willingly go to the […]

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Verbal, Visual

Category: ink on art, On the Road, public interface

Verbal. This is going to be one of those colloidal installments containing bits and pieces too insubstantial to warrant their own standalone posts. Upcoming appearances, for one thing: over the next few months, they’re letting me out in public on three separate occasions: The BUG and I will be coappearing at the Peterborough iteration of […]

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The Tale of Nellie the Nephron.

Category: writing news

They know about this in Poland. They’ve known it for over a month now.  So it seems only fair that I bring the rest of you up to speed on the latest: my imminent retirement from the field of science fiction. Genre SF has been in decline for a number of years. My own work […]

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Viva Zika!

Category: biology, just putting it out there...

There’s this guy I knew, Dan Brooks. Retired now, an eminent parasitologist and evolutionary biologist back in the day. He did a lot of work on emerging infectious diseases (EIDs, for you acronym fetishists) down in Latin America. A few years back I wrote some introductory text for an online database he was compiling. Part […]

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Category: eulogy

  Two ARCs sit on the bedside table, here in the Magic Bungalow. One waits for a blurb from the BUG, the other for a blurb from me. They represent my most recent interaction with the NY publishing industry. They were both sent by David Hartwell, of Tor. On my brag shelf is an old […]

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Anatomy of a Flameout

Category: writing news

I can think of about a hundred people who’d argue that writing this post is the dumbest, most counterproductive thing I could possibly do— that I’m not only burning my bridges behind me, but burning others before I come to them. These people would tell me to keep my opinions to myself, for the sake […]

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Novel of Interest.

Category: writing news

Chances are, if you emailed me this autumn past you received a terse autoresponse claiming that I was too busy to respond, thanks to some hush-hush project that might implode at any moment. Over in Poland, readers of Nowa Fantastyka might have noticed that my column in that magazine went dark about the same time. […]

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Christmas Cards.

Category: art on ink, blindsight, Dumbspeech, rifters

So before I disappear for the holidays (or more accurately, before the holidays give me an excuse to feel less guilty about my continued dereliction of the ‘crawl), I thought I’d leave you with an assortment of visual stocking stuffers that have been piling up over the past few months. Behold, and click to embiggen: […]

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The Beast Upon Your Shoulder, The Price Upon Your Head.

Category: Big Brother, relevant tech

Imagine a place that looks pretty much like any other faux-English pub/sports bar on the planet: familiar, unremarkable, safe. It’s only when you eye the menu— “Deviled Lamb Kidneys on Dripping Toast”; “Stilton Cheese Ice Cream”; “Crusty Lard in Mason Jars”; “Jellied Stingray garnished with Nettles”— that you start to wonder if you’ve entered some […]

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Category: ink on art

Spoilers.  Duh.   When Caitlin Sweet, Mistress of the Character-Based Narrative, complains that a TV show wallows too much in characterization— worse, that it needs more science— you know a screenwriter somewhere has seriously missed the boat. Over the weekend we binged on this Sense8 show everyone’s been raving about, curled up on Big Green […]

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