Psychotic Dreams and Strange Extremes

Category: neuro, Omniscience, sentience/cognition

Where do you start with dreams? People say you’re asleep when you dream, but you’re not really; it’s just that the input you’re consciously processing is generated internally, instead of coming from outside. It’s a kind of consciousness that believes the most ridiculous things, though. Your best friend doesn’t look anything like your best friend […]

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Data Dump

Category: art on ink, reviews

I put up a bunch of new stuff over the weekend: a mix of covers and fan art in the Miscellaneous and Blindopraxia galleries (Angus McIntyre’s digital Blindsight renders— to the right, at the bottom, and at the end of the “Fan Art” matrix— are especially nice), along with a couple of links to multimedia […]

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Echopraxia Q&A

Category: Dumbspeech, public interface

It’s been barely a month since I did that AMA thing at reddit.  Tomorrow I’m doing it again, only this time it’s an AMAE, which is pronounced exactly the same but  stands for Ask Me About Echopraxia. People have had a chance to actually read that book since the last time I reddited; apparently some […]

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Peter’s Burg: A Fragmentary Reminiscence.

Category: On the Road, public interface

At 2 a.m., on my last night in St. Petersberg, a small coterie of Russian SF fans pounded on my door and offered me balls of meat on a plate (not to be confused with meatballs, which are minced; these were not). I don’t know where they came from— the language barrier was pretty formidable— […]

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Category: Uncategorized

For those who haven’t been checking the Updates Link to your right, The Shorts Gallery went up a few days ago; it gathers assorted illustrations (of varying quality) based on a number of my stories (likewise) which have appeared in various publications around the world. The one popularly-reprinted story which is not represented in that […]

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Casting Call

Category: interviews, writing news

Yeah, I’ve been quiet lately. Still working on the site, for one thing; finally got the Rifters and Blindopraxia galleries up and populated (Sunflowers and Shorts still to go): it’s a much cleaner layout than the old Gallery, and there’s a bunch of new material, so you might want to check them out. (Also, it’s […]

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Category: misc, writing news

Oh, so many things I want to rattle on about with you people. The potential critical relevance of leaky cell membranes down in deep-sea vents, back when life was just getting started (and the resonance that might have for a certain fictional doomsday bug which will be trapped in such vents for another few decades […]

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Blurbs and Bufo

Category: public interface, reviews, writing news

Blurbs are Reborn.  Looking at about a dozen advance reviews so far, all pretty glowy except for the Register piece which found Echopraxia plotless.  Even they used the word “brilliant”, though.  Fingers crossed. Just last night, the LA Review of Books posted an insanely detailed review— more of an essay, really, the kind of thing […]

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Category: ink on art, writing news

I owe a couple of travelogues. Russia and London. But given the whole down-to-the-wire thing on Echopraxia‘s release (officially tomorrow, just in case anyone’s counting), perhaps you can forgive me for putting those off for a week or so. More imminent items could spoil in the meantime. First off, a reminder that I’m appearing on […]

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Category: ink on art, On the Road, public interface

I’m leaving now.  For Russia. I’ll spend one day in London with Caitlin, where I’ll wallow briefly in the musk of a myriad peers and pals converging for Worldcon— and then it’s on to St Petersberg for the weekend (or maybe somewhere less picturesque, if they think I’m trying to smuggle sanctioned pork across the […]

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