A Hot Time in the Ol’ Town Tonight.

Category: Dumbspeech, ink on art

Going over the galleys for Beyond the Rift. Most of these stories I haven’t read since I first wrote them— which means I’m revisiting some of them for the first time in almost a quarter century. Some stand up.  Others, not so much. “Flesh Made Word”, for example. Third story I ever got published. Got […]

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Too Full, Too Late

Category: public interface

So I’m coming up for air exactly long enough for a quick reminder about that Toronto Science Festival thingy you’ll see on the sidebar, that “Life in the Universe” weekend I mentioned a while back. Back then I reported that late Friday night I’d be sitting in a darkened room with astronomer Mike Reid, where […]

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The Nightshade Non-sequiter: a completely off-topic question about Breaking Bad.

Category: art on ink

Okay, I know I’m supposed to be working on the edits for Echopraxia.  I know I don’t have time for gratuitous blog posts, and the ‘crawl has largely been handed over to the tumbleweeds for the rest of the month. But this is driving me crazy. This is a question about Breaking Bad. The TWOP […]

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Call to Glory

Category: Dumbspeech, writing news

You may have noticed that I haven’t been around much lately. That’s about to get worse (or better, I suppose, depending on your perspective). In order to make its August release date, Tor needs the definitive publisher-ready version of Echopraxia by the end of this month. I’m expecting to get editorial feedback Any Day Now; […]

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Russian Autumn Heart

Category: ink on art, rifters

Turns out I have fans in Russia (I was even going to meet some of them last month, but plans fell through at the last minute). Two of them— photographer Pavel Hotulevs and model Aija (last name unknown, but that’s okay because the first name is awesome just by itself) collaborated on a Starfish shoot […]

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Category: biology, blindsight, scilitics

A reader going by the handle Sylvain linked me to a cool paper a few days back; it’s something I would have killed to have had back when writing Blindsight. Are you ready for this? A tick that turns its victims into vegetarians. Look to Commins et al for the peer-reviewed details; the tl;dr version […]

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Questions and Carnosaurs

Category: interviews, On the Road, public interface

So, screw Star Trek and Pacific Rim and transparently-manipulative surveys about nuclear power. It’s been a while since I’ve gone full narcissist; so here’s the latest in an occasional series of miscellaneous backlogged bits about me. This first item is a bit stale — I linked to the first installment of Fatal Libelli’s interview with […]

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The Ultimate Star Trek Reboot.

Category: ink on art, public interface

So it turns out that the University of Toronto is launching something called the Toronto Science Festival — a “three-day, public celebration of science–with keynote speakers, panel discussions, as well as a variety of performances, activities, film screenings, exhibitions and events” at the tail-end of September. This year’s theme (for indeed, the intention is to […]

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The Cygnus Solution.

Category: In praise of biocide, ink on art, Uncategorized

I think Ontario Power Generation is trying to sell us on the idea of feeding nuclear waste to swans.  At least, that seem to be the subtext of this ad I just got focus-tested on (click to embiggen)… Probit seemed curious as to my reaction… Then they asked some questions to assess my Tree-Hugger Quotient: […]

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The Joy of Dumbness.

Category: ink on art

Let’s get it out of the way right up front: this movie doesn’t have a single original rivet in its huge, skyscraper-sized, monster-nose-punching body. It is in fact a classic sort of monster in its own right, a crazy Frankensteinian chimera stitched together from the rotting corpses of so many other creatures you’d be hard-pressed […]

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