Dragon Watch.

Category: relevant tech, spaaaaace!!!

I don’t care if a million shots just like this are already infesting the internet. I post these anyway because this is awesome.                            

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The Least Unlucky Bastard.

Category: public interface, writing news

That was my choice of title when The Daily (“a first-of-its-kind daily national news publication built exclusively as an application for tablets and other emerging digital platforms”—who knew?) asked me to dig up FleshFest ’11 for another kick at the can — the difference being that I’d get paid for it this time around. Aimee […]

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The Black Knight. In Memoriam.

Category: eulogy

Two months ago my brother Jon — my senior by eight years — suffered a stroke which bled into his cerebellum. The time since has been, as his wife Tracy described it, a roller coaster: neurosurgeons reluctant to operate while Jon was on heart meds, cardiologists unwilling to take him off those meds for fear […]

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Category: fiblet

Haven’t posted recently. Too many reasons to list here, but one of them involves an April-30 story deadline that I beat by a measly two hours. I would have beat it by more than that, but after writing half a story I realized it was crap and started out with an entirely new plot exploring […]

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I For One Would Like to Welcome Our New Small-Press Overlords…

Category: On the Road, public interface, writing news

Haven’t had much to say recently. I’ve been head-down against an imminent deadline while trying not to dwell on catastrophic medical scenarios grown suddenly personal (a family member, within a hairsbreadth of death for the past couple of weeks: the situation remains dire, but has at least stabilized for the moment). Topped it all off […]

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Bons Mots.

Category: public interface

Way over in France, ActuSF has posted an interview.  Go here for the Frawnsh translation; here for the original Canuckian).  If you want to know why I suck at writing villains, how American triumphalism forced me to turn Starfish into a trilogy, and exactly why I’m so defensive on the subject of vampires, you might […]

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BOG, meet Internet. Internet: BOG.

Category: misc

  Russian for “God”, I’ve been told. Phonetically at least. Also British for “toilet”.  But here, now, it’s an acronym:  Big Orange Guy or Beloved Old Goof or Barrel O’Greatness. He is not, as you can see, a great beauty. He may in fact be the homeliest mammal in all of southern Ontario. And we […]

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Hopefully Not An April Fool’s Joke.

Category: writing news

I mean, you gotta wonder when Margaret Atwood’s final specs settle in at 666.  Even if she has scarcely varied from that beastly number for the past two weeks. There were a couple of weird hiccoughs along the way — a sudden 2.5% jump for The Pattern Scars back on the 21st, in addition to […]

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Going Viral.

Category: a-life, evolution, writing news

When you’re a first-time lecturer in a department full of senior faculty, odds are you’ll get crap time slots when it comes to your teaching load. When you’re a first-time lecturer whose supervisor is the most-detested rival of the department head, you’re pretty much guaranteed as much. Which is how I ended up teaching Advanced […]

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That Which Is Not To Be Named.

Category: writing news

Or described.  Or empictured, or hinted at, or invoked in any way:  except for this brief and unenlightening announcement, which has been approved from upstairs. I’m working on a project with Capcom Vancouver. It’s currently a Schröedinger’s Cat:  not alive, not dead, or maybe both.  The important thing right now is to not pop the […]

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