Pimpage: Me and Neill on The Bridge.

Category: public interface

Turns out I’ve made a fair number of podcast/interview appearances over the past year or so, across a bunch of jurisdictions all the way from Russia to the Free Republic of Guelph. Never really pimped them because A) I was raised by Baptists, B) I generally cringe when people thump their own tubs too loud, […]

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John Carpenter’s “Planaria”: or, The New Individualism

Category: biology, evolution, just putting it out there...

Sometimes you run into a concept that completely rewires your outlook. It happened for me back in the eighties, when I encountered the definition of “Life” in Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker: “Information, shaped by natural selection”. That concise distillation—an actual description of what life is, as opposed to all those tired and exception-prone checklists that […]

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Fucking Pirates: A Teeny, Tiny Call to Arms

Category: legal, misc

You may have already seen this on Facebook, but if you’ve wisely sworn off that platform I’ll repeat it here: I have a favor to ask any US Amazon customers out there. Would you mind going over here and leaving a reader review pointing out that this is a pirated edition, unauthorized by the author, […]

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A Blade In Our Bed, a Knife in the Night.

Category: misc

It’s bright and sunny this morning. The BUG and I joke and feed the cats. I’m sitting on the front porch as I type this. BOG is curled up at my feet. It’s hard to believe that just a few hours ago, I was creeping around the back of our house in the darkness, trying-to-find/hoping-not-to-find […]

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Family Values: or, Lipsticking the Pig.

Category: rant

From an upcoming lecture on Architecture and Design: This guy I know wanted to get his kids vaccinated against Covid. Got a special deal: took them across the border to Scarborough, handed them special forms that said they worked for a company called—I kid you not—”Matrix”; and told them that if anyone asked about their […]

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Contracting Iris

Category: fiblet

Her eyes stare back from the bathroom mirror. Her pupils seem just the slightest bit cloudy. Or maybe it’s her imagination; maybe all these insights and wild guesses have primed her to see things that aren’t there. She reaches for the wall, never taking her eyes from her reflection. Flips off the light switch. Two […]

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215 Little Indians: Or, How is Chevron like the Vatican?

Category: ass-hamsters, rant

“an act … committed for a political, religious, or ideological purpose that is intended to intimidate the public, or a subset of the public … or to compel a person, government or organization (whether inside or outside Canada) from doing or refraining from doing any act, and that intentionally causes one of a number of […]

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Russian Liaisons, Polish Hellicorns, Alien Kickstarters, and Contraband Readings.

Category: ink on art, interviews, public interface

But before we get to any of that: The Revenge of the Attack Helicopters. The 2020 Hugo finalists have been announced. If you scroll down the to the “Best Novelette” category, you’ll see an entry that you may find both familiar and not: “Helicopter Story”, by Isabel Fall. Familiar because Fall and her story were […]

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Strategic Retreat

Category: fiblet, Sunflowers

Solway’s holding the torch when Heinwald emerges into the corridor. She points it at the breach like a flamethrower. Heinwald ducks out of the way as the three tracks of breathing filling his helmet drop to two, to one; the others have killed their radios. Heinwald does the same, joins his fellows, leans in until […]

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What Dreams May Come.

Category: biology, neuro, sentience/cognition

Interrogating the Dream Anyone who caught my talk at Ratio back in 2017 might vaguely recall a curious claim: that the Human corpus callosum—that bundle of neurons connecting our cerebral hemispheres—has a bandwidth in the same ballpark as that of a modern cell phone, once you take noise correction and synaptic redundancy into account. I […]

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