One Damn Thing After Another.

Category: writing news

So, “The Things” — conceived here, given the ol’ prenatal ultrasound here and here, fostered lovingly by Jonathan Strahan until reluctantly put back up for adoption — went live yesterday over at Clarkesworld, in their first edition of 2010. I’m chuffed to discover that they didn’t just post the story; they podcast it as well, […]

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Not to Be Confused With the TV Show About The Plane Crash Survivors

Category: writing news

So I haven’t actually seen a contract yet, but since Gardner Dozois has just announced it over on the Asimov‘s forum I might as well repeat it here: “The Island” is going to be reprinted in Dozois’s 27th volume of The Year’s Best Science Fiction. That makes a total of four best-of-year anthologies for that […]

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Infinite Regression.

Category: Crytek/Crysis, Squidgate

…or maybe just Regression. Either way, this is getting weird. The Port Huron Times-Herald is not just running stories about my case; it has begun running stories on my blog postings about my case. I can hardly wait to see whether they run a piece on this blog posting on their coverage of my last […]

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Best. Border Crossing. Ever.

Category: Squidgate

“Shit, what was the name of the supervisor who authorised the release of my stuff?  Trevor Whitb—” “Troy.” “Troy what?  Troy McLean?  Troy McClure?” “From the Simpsons?” “We’re almost up.  Shit, what’s that guy’s name?” “Hi, I’m Troy McClure.  You might remember me from such films as—“ “Shit, shit, we’re up. Act nonchalant.” “Passports, please.” […]

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“I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

Category: ink on art

(Significant plot-related spoilers whited out in deference to spirgins; spoilers about ambience and background, not so much) A little bit of classic Trek. A bit of Deathworld, a touch of Anne McAffrey’s Dragonriders. At least 50% glorious Roger-Dean-album-cover porn. Strong echoes of The Emerald Forest, a lameass mystical eighties-era John Boorman film about the plight […]

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You Know Who You Are.

Category: Squidgate

You were on the bridge that day, or you said you were.  You posted this comment.  You said you saw the guards attack me without provocation, while I was in “total compliance”.  You wished me well. You did not tell me who you were. If you were really there — if you really saw this […]

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Happiness is a Warm Parka. And Friends I Didn’t Know I Had.

Category: Squidgate

I have my coat again, along with most of my personal effects, thanks to the selfless efforts of Let’s Call Him Ray who drove six hours and across a border (now closed to me, barring court appearances) to retrieve my stuff.  My computer, flash drive and notebook have apparently been moved to an Undisclosed Location […]

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Squidgate. Update.

Category: Squidgate

I’m at the point now where I can’t talk a whole lot about ongoing proceedings. I am seeing a few common misrepresentations making the rounds, though, that I’d like to set straight: Some are concluding that, when I was “dumped across the border in shirtsleeves”,  I had to walk across the Blue Water Bridge in […]

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Not the Best of Possible Worlds.

Category: Squidgate

If you buy into the Many Worlds Intepretation of quantum physics, there must be a parallel universe in which I crossed the US/Canada border without incident last Tuesday. In some other dimension, I was not waved over by a cluster of border guards who swarmed my car like army ants for no apparent reason; or […]

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Intersteller Islands, Frozen Frights, and Intimate Oases

Category: public interface, writing news

I am about to disappear into the dismal Nebraskan winter for a week. There will be few if any postings during that time. I leave you with a few words from our sponsors. Some of you may remember my recent short story “The Island”, which appeared in Dozois and Strahan’s New Space Opera 2 (and […]

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