Please Stand By for an Important If Ultimately Uninformative Announcement

Category: Crytek/Crysis, writing news

Yes, I have been silent lately, even by my usual standards.  You saw me disappear into Germany, and did not see me sneak back out again (although I’ve been back home for some time now).  This time, I have a different excuse for the long silence:  I have been working furiously to discharge past  obligations […]

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Off World

Category: On the Road

So of course, mere hours from climbing onto a transAtlantic flight to spend 14 hours in an airtight low-pressure environment at thirty thousand feet, three guesses as to what kind of bug decides to take up residence in my chassis. Right.  The sinus-clogging, throat-blocking kind.  The kind that can be kept at bay with decongestants […]

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Monstrous Affections.

Category: fellow liars

The last story I read by David Nickle left me impotent for a week. That was a compliment. I have never actually read a bad story by David Nickle. I read an opaque story by him once: it was called “Pants Are For Company”, and it was (roughly) about personification of the abyss. I didn’t […]

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Not exactly SF, but pretty fucking Orwellian just the same.

Category: economics, rant

I had dinner the other night with a friend of mine, a former investment banker and derivatives jock for the Toronto Dominion Bank. He grew sufficiently wealthy to retire years ago — while still in his thirties — and has since been managing hedge funds for widows and environmentalists to make up for his past life of […]

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Which is to say, like “Finks” with an extra S.

Category: writing news

More news from Poland.   Evidently Ślepowidzenie has won the “Sfinks” award for “Best Foreign Novel”.   I had a shot at “Best Novel”, period, but Cormac McCarthy beat me out for it, perhaps to pay me back for the NAST Awards.  (I did, however, come a close second in that category by a mere 13 votes.) […]

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Cephalopod Salad

Category: public interface, writing news

Quite a bit has happened since the last time I came up for air.  Blindsight debuted in Hebrew— very cool cover design from Aya Ben Ron, I might add— and I’ve just received my first reader feedback from that edition (“Not a bad book.  … thank you for a pleasant evening, although I didn’t get […]

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The Turgid-Cat Tapes: English Transcript

Category: ink on art, interviews, public interface

I’ve just been informed that the original English exchange between myself and Marcin Zwierzchowski has been posted as a pdf over at Poltergeist; previously, only the Polish translation was online. You may find some nuggets there you haven’t seen before. Marcin didn’t quite manage to coax any confessions from me about my closet animal-snuff fetish, […]

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You Light Up My Life

Category: fiblet

I am become Norris, and discover that I did not die the first time. Some of me persisted in those burnt remains from the doghouse, hung on against fire and frost: crippled, mindless, reduced to a few jellied fragments embedded in carbon.  They took what they could find and broke cover.  Now I watch myself […]

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Category: interviews, public interface

Anyone speak Polish? Reason I ask is,  Google Translate renders the following from a comment following this interview, in reference to the above picture:  “A cat really turgid … is called the Banana”. Turgid. It must be a poor translation.  I can’t believe anyone would deliberately be so cruel.

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Periscope Down

Category: misc

So, yeah, once again I’ve been remiss on the  ‘crawl postings.  And those I have managed tend to be heavy on the Lookit-me elements, while posts on nifty sciencey stuff have been pretty much absent.  (This pisses me off more than I can say; I haven’t checked my science feeds in fucking weeks, and even […]

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