Pedophilia in a Pill

Category: just putting it out there..., neuro

You may remember the case a few years back of the Floridian hypersexual pedophile whose depravity hailed from a brain tumor; the dude (rightly) got off, since he wasn’t culpable for the wiring in his head. You may even remember me taking the next step (scroll down to June 30th on the right-hand side), and […]

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A Duality of Dysfunction at DragonCon

Category: public interface

I was not at DragonCon this year. Actually, I have never been to DragonCon. But Aaron Douglas (aka deck chief Galen Tyrol*) was. And I’ll have you know that he actually requested, nay, even demanded the books you see in his hands, thanks to some subtle psychological manipulation by one adrienne everitt the week before […]

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Blame Him.

Category: writing news

So why have I been so silent lately? It’s not as though there’s been any recent shortage of events worthy of scorn. Sarah Palin brought home the Moron Vote— that most vital of American voting demographics— to the Republicans. The craven cocksucking cowards leading every major Canadian political party got together and decided to exclude […]

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Speciation Ahoy!

Category: ink on art, writing news

Strange Horizons has just posted this bipartite piece on Scott Bakker’s Neuropath and my own Blindsight. It’s billed as a review, but it doesn’t read as one so much as a brief comparative essay on the thematic focii of the two novels. The reviewer— one Nader Elhefnawy, visiting professor of Literature out of U. Miami— […]

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A Plague of Angels (or, Rorschach in your living room!)

Category: neuro, relevant tech

Well, this is interesting. Intel has leapfrogged MIT on the whole magnetic-resonance schtick. They can wirelessly light a 60-watt bulb from almost a meter away, wasting only 25% of the broadcast energy in transit. This is a good thing, because “…the human body is not affected by magnetic fields,” Josh Smith from Intel reassures us. […]

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Whiney, Shiney, Cerebrospiney

Category: Uncategorized

So much happened during my absence on the Island. Worldcon, for one. For another, a big honking propane storage facility blew up in the northwestern ‘burbs of Greater Toronto, provoking howls of outrage from concerned citizens who wanted to know how such a dangerous facility ended up in the heart of a residential area. (And […]

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Rumor Control

Category: writing news

I have it on reasonably good authority that David Hartwell, during a panel on upcoming Tor titles at last week’s Worldcon, announced that he had sent me a contract for a new novel and was awaiting my response. Technically this might be true. In terms of the take-home message, however — i.e. the reasonable inference […]

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I, Steampunk

Category: writing news

Ślepowidzenie is out in Poland. The cover makes it look kinda like a Jules Verne retread, and I mean that in a good way; in terms of literal, technical detail it gets pretty much everything wrong, but in terms of thematic ambience (and basic artistic skill) it rules. This is just as well, because I […]

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All Hail the Mighty Ursabelle!

Category: fellow liars

It takes a while sometimes for electrons to get all the way out here to Gibralter Point, but my understanding is that Elizabeth won the short-story Hugo last night for “Tideline”. And though I hate her for her talent and her characters, I also love her for her talent and her character. So, way to […]

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Not the Rock. The Point.

Category: writing news

I have dropped off the face of Toronto for the next week, returning to the magical land of orange tabby and slate-grey cats Gibralter Point, and to an annual writing retreat that I haven’t attended for a few years now. My primary goal is to finally hammer those fiblets I’ve been dribbling into a coherent […]

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