From the Air

Category: fiblet

We are the cavemen. We are the Ancients, the Progenitors, the blue-collared steel monkeys; a thousand interstellar expressways in a thousand derivative works of historical fiction rose by our hands. We’re the plot devices to let careless storytellers off the hook. We spin webs across the galaxy and conveniently disappear, millions of years before the […]

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I Am Fundamentalist, And So Can You.

Category: ass-hamsters, just putting it out there...

This started out as a post about a recently-reported negative correlation between IQ and religious belief (thanks to Craig McGill for the link). It was going to be relatively restrained by local standards; while it’s hard to resist the temptation to rub one’s hands at yet more evidence that only Stupid People Have Imaginary Friends, […]

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Like Many Of My Relationships, In Fact

Category: ink on art, writing news

Just came across this cover art for the upcoming German edition of Maelstrom. It is beautiful, but wrong. The feel of the piece is great, don’t get me wrong. Technically, it’s terrific. It even evokes a couple of specific scenes from the very top of the tale. But I’m not quite sure where Lenie Clarke […]

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Night of the Non Sequiters

Category: misc

So the CBC pushed, as bullies are wont to do; only this time the rights holders of the iconic “Hockey Night In Canada” pushed back. Now, the game’s afoot; Stephen Colbert has promised to make a habit of singing the newly-freed HNiC “while punching beavers in the face!” (oh, and — non sequiters within non […]

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I Still Want My Fucking Jet Pack…

Category: relevant tech

But this will do in the meantime. Emotiv’s brainwave-reading products made a brief appearance in last year’s flash piece “Repeating the Past“, which is set less than ten years from now, so it’s nice to see they’re still on track. I bet Stephen Hawking already has one.

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Family Values

Category: fiblet

Screw this. I’m sick of being outnumbered by morons. I’m calling in reinforcements. Dix has got to have other parents, a father at least, he didn’t get that Y chromo from me. I swallow my own disquiet and check the manifest; bring up the gene sequences; cross-reference. Huh. Only one: Kai. I wonder if that’s […]

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Jury Duty, Day 3

Category: misc

bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored boredbored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored boredbored […]

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Jury Duty, Day 1.5

Category: misc

Morning uneventful, with the exception of a brief episode in which some doofus at the next table was heard to opine that “It’s just a myth that we’re running out of oil” and I practiced my inestimable skills at self-discipline by not throwing a bag of peanuts at his head. Got some writing done on […]

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Jury Duty, Day 1.

Category: misc

We begin with an educational video on the Joys of Jury Duty so lame that just watching it made me feel like I was living an episode of The Simpsons. Inspirational music susurrating around the voices of really bad actors wearing head scarves and hard hats, all spouting variants of “When I was summoned for […]

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Don’t Mention the War!

Category: writing news

Heyne — publishers of the German editions of Blindsight, Starfish, and the eventually-to-be-released Maelstrom — have just closed the circle and made an offer on βehemoth, which they intend to release as a single volume as God (i.e. me) intended. I have instructed my former agent to accept their offer before they change their minds. […]

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