Continuing Ed

Category: fiblet

I can almost remember mortality. I lived each day as it came, at the rate of one second per second— because really, what else was there to do? I can almost imagine immortality: all of infinite entropy stretching out before you, more than worlds enough and time to scale any peak a mind might set […]

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A Word to my Imposter

Category: misc

So it turns out there’s this Peter Watts page on Facebook, and it reports on the presence of this Peter Watts character who evidently joined Facebook on April 11 2008, and who posted cover art from my books and also posted, I’m guessing, that sepia-tinged photo of me from Readercon. The thing is, that person […]

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Look into the Mirror

Category: fellow liars

So, my bud Dave Williams‘ The Mirrored Heavens is out, and garnering raves as well it should. And if you wander over to the appropriate Amazon page and click on the cover art, you’ll see a blurb dead center of the spread, courtesy of Stephen Baxter. But once you get your hands on the actual […]

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"Oral Delights"

Category: writing news

Those are the phonetics spoken by Tony Smith at the top of the latest issue of Starship Sofa, at least, and while I’m pretty sure that Aural Delights is the more accurate spelling, I’m betting the ambiguity is deliberate. I’m over there, anyway, in all my slightly-too-nasal vocal glory, nattering on for twenty minutes about […]

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Serpent’s Tooth

Category: fiblet

You sent us out here. We do this for you. We break this painstaking trail, crawl across the universe while time itself runs down; we spin the webs and tie the knots and open the doors, then scuttle away before the light of your coming turns us into plasma. Is it too much to ask, […]

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Breaking Camp

Category: misc

Been a significant gap between postings, I know. Chalk it up to a bit of work getting done (first installment of Reality, ReMastered goes live next week or the week after, I think), a lot of other work not getting done, and, once again, the ill-advised decision to buy a laptop from Dell which has […]

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Kill Me Now.

Category: misc

Evidently Michael Bay has been signed to adapt the Rifters trilogy, judging by this poster of Lenie and Kenny. I had not realized that Lubin was black. Nor that he propelled himself, er, anally. I guess this is the price one pays for movie adaptation. Thanks to one Matt Arnold for the coffee/saliva stains all […]

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Christian Rock Band: The Album Cover*

Category: misc

You can tell from the salacious, revealing costumes. Because in Nebraska, this is the most you can get away with. *Photo by Dan Brooks

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Squids — In — Spaaaaaace!

Category: writing news

From the Cyrillic side of the planet, the cover art for the Russian edition of Blindsight: Yes, that is me. I don’t know if I’m supposed to be Sarasti, or Keeton, or just the author looming omnisciently over his creation. (My contact at Arabesque tells me that the incorporation of author photos into cover art […]

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The Brown Lands…

Category: misc

…Just outside Mordor. So. Where am I now? (Lars, if you’re out there, I rescued a box turtle in your honour the other day. To commemorate, I carved your name into his plastron.)

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