Music is a drug

Category: ink on art, misc

At least, the endorphin receptors in my head are still buzzing madly almost an hour after the encore ended. I kind of lost touch with Oysterband back in the early nineties, when they decided no one was listening to their lyrics anyway so they might as well just have fun and do covers of I […]

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Dying with Dignity

Category: interviews, writing news

Anna Davour, a Post-doc out of Queen’s, has been hitting up various sf authors for informal bloggable interviews. This week was my moment in the sun. I say some nice things about the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and repeat my usual grumbling about Firefly. And if you’re not satisfied with mere wordage— if any of you […]

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I am a Sad Pathetic Man

Category: ink on art

I dreamed last night that I kept hitting on Katee Sackhoff, and she kept turning me down. That’s right: Starbuck, the antiMikey of sexual cereals, wouldn’t even give me the time of day in my dreams. But I’m not going to go with the obvious subtext here, because I am desperate to give my imagination […]

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Category: AI/robotics, science

Inspired by the synergy of my own stuffed, crusty, raw red nose and the long-awaited return of Battlestar Galactica (and if you haven’t seen the season premiere yet, what are you wasting time here for? Get onto BitTorrent and start downloading right fucking now, do you hear me?), I am reminded of this little tech […]

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Madonna and Child.

Category: fiblet

This time I open my eyes to a familiar face I’ve never seen before: only a boy, early twenties perhaps, physiologically. His face is a little lopsided, the cheekbone flatter to the left than to right. His ears are too big. And while the eyes below his frown shine with their own bright intelligence, I […]

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Earth Hour. Because the World Isn’t Worth a Whole Day.

Category: In praise of biocide, just putting it out there..., rant

Ninety percent of the world’s charismatic megafauna is gone. Hormone disrupters are turning the fish off Lakeshore into hermaphrodites, if the tumors don’t get them first. The Arctic is heading for ice-free status by 2030, the Wilkins Ice Shelf is a measly six kilometers away from disintegration, air pollution in this miserable dick-ass excuse for […]

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From. About. By.

Category: interviews, writing news

Me, that is. Isn’t it always? From: a few excerpts from the recent Locus interview have gone online. It’s not the whole thing, but it’s a taste. About: Puppy Buckets (whose name still makes me think of wood-chippers) likes Maelstrom. Maybe not as much as they liked Starfish, but then, a lot of people felt […]

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Your Brain is Leaking

Category: neuro, science

This punch-happy little dude has been all over the net for the past week or so: easily the world’s coolest crustacean even before then, insofar as how many lifeforms of any stripe can bash their furious little claws through the water so fast (accelerating at over 10,000G!) that the resulting cavitation bubbles heat up to […]

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Flash & Flesh

Category: misc

After endless harangues from various online sites telling me I couldn’t view their fucking galleries until I installed the latest version of Flash, I overcame my usual aversion to so-called “upgrades” (MediaPlayer 11, anyone?) and complied. Now the Vampire Domestication talk (here, and here) is broken in Firefox (both 2 and Beta), Netscape, and Opera: […]

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Fallen Giant

Category: fellow liars, misc

Sometimes, in defiance of entropy, little knots of complexity form in the universe and awaken. I have always found it deeply unjust that such knots, sooner or later, always stop. Each is unique, each cognizant, and if I were running things, the moment matter developed enough complexity to look around and start asking questions, well, […]

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