Here We Go Again

Category: writing news

Well, looky here. Blindsight is on the preliminary Nebula ballot. I don’t really know much about the mechanics of that process — how “preliminary” turns into “beta”, when “beta” turns into “final” — beyond the fact that the award seems a bit too in-house inbred for John Clute’s many people’s liking. I’m not a member […]

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Performance Art

Category: writing news

The good folks at Starship Sofa have posted a podcast of my longish-story “The Second Coming of Jasmine Fitzgerald”, read by, er, me. You can listen to it over here if you’re curious about the sound of my voice, if you want to check out the shots I take at the “Mundane SF” movement in […]

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Bull Balls

Category: misc

Okay, another Crawl Cockup Call. I imagine a lot of you subscribe to the RSS feed to this thing. Has said RSS feed, over the past day or so, been feeding you pictures of bull testicles with the slogan “I am a dirty bandwidth thief” in place of real graphics? I apologize if so. Some […]

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Cancer, For the Greater Good

Category: biology, evolution, ink on art, just putting it out there...

One of my favorite monster movies of all time has got to be John Carpenter’s 1982 remake of “The Thing”. It’s not a perfect film by any means – there are some gaffes with the rubber fx, and if eighties-era PCs ever came preloaded with software to test whether your buddies had been taken over […]

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Category: misc

Hey, anybody out there use Internet Explorer to read this ‘crawl? If so, are you finding the entries peppered with hacked up fragments of javascript that are supposed to be invisible? Stuff like < !--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> just thrust all ugly-like between paragraphs? I don’t suppose someone could have just, you know told me that my […]

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"God is Gonna Kick Your Ass You Infidelic Pagan Scum"

Category: misc

A few parting links, in keeping with the Christmas Spirit: The Amazing Virgin Pregnancy, courtesy of Overcoming Bias The Gospel According to St. Nicholas, the latest and most edifying of the gnostic gospels, courtesy of Cliff Burns; and lastly, by way of some obscure corner of IcanHasCheeseburger that for some mysterious reason hasn’t yet made […]

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Benthic Baptisms

Category: deep sea, writing news

So it begins (actually continues, but let’s not let accuracy get in the way of a good cliché): the race to exploit the deep sea. A couple of choice quotes: “deep sea mining … has the potential to explode … The hotspots are ocean floor geysers known as hydrothermal vents … “…we know almost nothing […]

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The God-Shaped Hole

Category: ass-hamsters, rant, sociobiology

Previously, on No Moods, Ads, or Cutesy Fucking Icons… Many religious people are idiots. My Dad’s religious, but he’s no idiot. There are some other smart religious people out there too. Maybe they’re right and I’m wrong. But they can’t be, because I’m a scientist and they’re not! But real scientists have to allow for […]

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My Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost

Category: ass-hamsters, rant

It should be no secret that I am one of that ever-growing flock of empiricists who’ve been touched by His Noodly Appendage*. And while I generally have little patience for religious beliefs of any stripe — I just can’t see any explanatory utility in them at all — my feelings about religious believers are somewhat […]

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AfterImages of I Am Legend

Category: ink on art

Praiseworthy Things: Opens with the Best Bitter Irony Jump Cut evar. Will Smith’s spot-on performance as a repressed, guilt-ridden failed-saviour-in-denial ratcheting inexorably towards catastrophic meltdown. Nature Takes Back Manhattan (and glad to see some decent soul opened the cages at the Brooklyn Zoo before devolving). Sam the Dog. Eh-worthy Things: You’d think a military epidemiologist […]

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