The Gospel According to St. Peter

Category: interviews, public interface

Oooh, lookey here: Extrapolation doesn’t embargo. So, for any who actually want to read even more of my opinions, a pdf of Szeman and Whiteman’s whole damn interview is available here, at Imre Szeman’s web page out of McMaster University. It’s a rifters-heavy piece, but it also goes into my childhood plagiarism, the inadvisability of […]

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A Plea to the Locals

Category: misc

Hey. Ontarions. Help. Can anybody recommend a decent landline phone carrier that isn’t Rogers or Bell or Telus, and that hasn’t been engulfed by any of those guys? For the next few months at least, it ain’t economical for me to go purely cell — but all the Big Three landline vendors seem to suck […]

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A Lack of Focus

Category: biology, interviews, misc, writing news

Been a while since I posted, I know. Not for lack of material. I’ve been meaning to post a few more I, Robot-type findings — more hardwired-aesthetics, this time centering around the “Golden Ratio”; more unsurprising evidence of a developmental basis for pedophilia, along with the (even-less surprising) preemptive disclaimers by the researchers that oh […]

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In Praise of Slavery

Category: AI/robotics

Something in the air these days. Everyone’s talking about robots. Both the European Robotics Research Network and the South Korean government are noodling around with charters for the ethical treatment of intelligent robots. The Nov. 16 Robotics issue of Science contains pieces on everything from nanotube muscles to neural nets (sf scribe Rob Sawyer also […]

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Euthenising the Universe

Category: astronomy/cosmology

This quirky and disturbing preprint (by a couple of astrophysicists with impeccable credentials) has been doing the rounds over the past week or so, and if I’m reading the commentaries right it’s taking the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics to its logical conclusion — specifically, that whole Schrodinger’s Cat thing that says nothing actually exists […]

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The End of Art

Category: evolution, just putting it out there..., neuro

This whole stem-cell breakthrough is certainly worth keeping track of, but not here because you know about it already; it’s all over other sites far more popular than mine. Ditto the hilarious perspective on WoW which serves as the subject of today’s visual aid, starring characters which many of us must know (albeit in roles […]

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Why Animé Might Not Be the Best Medium for Blindsight…

Category: blindsight

Courtesy of Che Gilson, who brought you last month’s Manga’ld Theseus crew, a somewhat-less-than-fearsome interpretation of the once-scary aliens in Blindsight. (Personally, I’d have liked the “weapons” illo more if the board had had a nail through it.) The existential dilemma of a nonsentient intelligence giving rise to a thought-bubble is left as an exercise […]

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Profiles of the Future

Category: writing news

Got the pdf from Nature for “Repeating the Past” yesterday; it’s scheduled for the Nov 29th issue, for those of you with access to academic libraries. I would post the whole story here, but I think the contract gives Nature dibs on first publication. So instead I’m showing you the official illustration, since the contract […]

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You’ll Never Be Rid Of Me Now

Category: writing news

I was contacted a while back by a fellow named Nicholas Bennett, who had built a little java program for reading e-books off of cellphone displays. He’d already ported a few hundred public domain titles onto this website for free download (including 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), and was hunting more recent, Creative Commons releases. […]

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Brittle Imaginings

Category: blindsight, misc

Pursuant to Remedial Gigerology’s digression into scrambler/ophiuroid relationships, here’s my impression of one, cobbled together from pieces of the other. Consider it a belated Hallowe’en treat: And what the hell: seeing as how we’re on the subject of my favorite holiday, here are a couple of blasts from the past. Even casual visitors will have […]

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