Torontonians: Infest Wisely

Category: fellow liars, ink on art

You all know the scoop on self-publishers, don’t you? Those losers who, unable to interest any legitimate publisher in their verbiage, haunt Kinkos with pockets full of quarters, printing out their magnum opus on the backs of old cable bills in the hope that some streetcorner pedestrian might take pity on them. A hapless breed, […]

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Starfish tp ETA?

Category: writing news

I know this is a long shot, but I don’t suppose anyone out there knows when the trade paper edition of Starfish is due for release? A search on Tor’s website turns up nothing. Yes, I’ve asked them directly. Repeatedly. I actually brought it up twice in my last e-mail, which netted the response Yes, […]

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The Uplift Protein

Category: evolution, neuro, science

Neuropsin, that is. A prefrontal-cortex protein involved in learning and memory. There’s this one variant that’s peculiar to us Humans, 45 amino acids longer than the standard model handed out to other primates, and a team of Chinese researchers have just nailed the gene that codes for it. And the really cool part? Utterly ignoring […]

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Category: fellow liars, ink on art

I’ve just finished reading a draft of R. Scott Bakker’s soon-to-be-released Neuropath. Holy shit. The neurology of consciousness. The advantages of nonsentience. People neurologically stripped of their behavioral constraints so that they can make the necessary Big Decisions of life and death without getting caught up in touchy-feeling shackles like conscience and morality. All the […]

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Category: neuro, science

You may have seen this already. It’s been out for a few days now. And at first glance it’s nothing special: technology controlled by brainwaves through an ECG electrode interface, which is so far behind the cutting edge that you’ll be finding it in games before the end of the year. But check out this […]

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The anti-Moore’s Law

Category: In praise of biocide, science

Anyone who’s read my fiction has probably figured out my perspective on life-support/environmental issues. I tend not to talk about such stuff here, not because I don’t find it relevant or important, but because it’s not new or cutting edge; the non-self-aggrandizing parts of this ‘crawl serve as a kind of scratch pad for things […]

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Consciousness, Learning, and Neurochips

Category: neuro, science

I’m starting this new post both to take the weight off the old one (which is growing quite the tail– maybe I should look into setting up a discussion forum or something), and also to introduce a new piece of relevent research. Razorsmile said Conscious trains the subconscious until it is no longer needed.. And […]

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"ßehemoth" set free

Category: writing news

For the last couple of years I’ve been subjected to chronic whelming demand for a Creative Commons release of the final rifters novel. I am relieved to announce that “ßehemoth” went live as of 2a.m. this morning, over on the Backlist page. (The first bug fixes were up by around 11, so if you downloaded […]

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Blindsight (the malady, not the book): better than the other kind?

Category: neuro, science

Now here’s a fascinating study: turns out that victims of blindsight can see better than so-called “healthy” individuals. At least, one fellow with a patchy version of the condition was able to detect subtler visual cues in his blind field than in his sighted one. (Here’s the original paper: here’s a summary.) This suggests that […]

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"It’s 20 light years away. We can go there."

Category: astronomy/cosmology, blindsight, extraterrestrial life, science

Now that’s the kind of attitude I like to see coming from a legitimate authority– to wit, Dimitar Sasselov of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, quoted in today’s NY Times. He was talking about Gliese 581c, a potentially earth-type planet orbiting a dim red dwarf in the constellation of Libra. 1.5 time Earth’s radius; 5 […]

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