Another Step Towards the Maelstrom

Category: a-life, evolution, science

Those of you who read Maelstrom might remember what that book was named for: the frenetic chainsaw fast-forward jungle that the Internet had evolved into, infested by the virtual predators and parasites that evolved after we gave genes to spambots and let them breed at 50 generations/sec. (Those of you who didn’t read Maelstrom can […]

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Relief, Request, Reviews

Category: reviews

Okay, well, somebody’s out there. And you care. So far so good. But can anyone tell me how to thread comments in Blogger? All I seem able to do is paste comments onto the bottom of the stack; I can’t seem to post a comment in direct response to someone else’s comment. There must be […]

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Blindsight: Locus Finalist

Category: reviews

Oh, yeah. Blindsight is evidently a finalist for the Locus Award for Best Novel. Once again, I am in august company: losing to any of these folks, I would not feel jilted. What makes this nomination especially sweet for me is that Blindsight was evidently a write-in candidate– at least, I’ve been told by a […]

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Meet the New Blog. Same as the Old Blog.

Category: Uncategorized

Fact is, this is kind of a risk for me. One of the reasons I never went for a real blog before now was the whole Comments thing; I’ve seen too many bloggers ranting endlessly in the wilderness, day after day, the same fat goose-egg of “Zero Comments” lurking beneath each post to underscore just […]

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Called Worse Things By Better People

Category: Uncategorized

I seem to be a scab. By giving my stories and novels away for free, I’m stealing bread from the mouths of all those those hardworking fellow scribes who are trying to make a real living at storytelling. It must be true, because I read it on the web. Normally, of course, one would barely […]

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