The Hypersonic Weaponised Yogurt Award Nomination

Category: writing news

  Welcome to the Starfish Initiative The green icon on the map represents the realtime location of an unmanned hypersonic glide vehicle carrying an explosive payload of 300 kilotons. You are one of a million participants randomly selected from the online community to choose its target. Use your keyboard, joystick, or saccadal interface to move […]

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Peter Watts is an Angry Sentient Tumor.

Category: writing news

So that’s the title they went with. My suggestion was simply “Revenge Fantasies”, but apparently in the #MeToo era such a phrase, in isolation, is too evocative of “revenge porn”. I believe the whole sentient tumor thing was originally coined by Analee Newitz. As titles go, I admit that it rocks. I’m surprised to be […]

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Late Notice, Long Distance

Category: On the Road, public interface

I’ve been head down lately: writing a story to accompany an upcoming art installation on Hypersonic Glide Vehicles, gearing up for a class talk at York University, and— weighing most heavily— preparing for a symposium/workshop over in Hungary, under the auspices of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Köszeg (iASK for short). The title of the […]

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The Gong Show.

Category: On the Road, public interface

Dateline — MidAtlantic. The BUG and I are crossing the ocean in an airbus that’s been painted a lurid mix of purple and pink— call it pinple— whose in-flight menus are refreshingly honest and whose vomit bags are volumetrically calibrated from “pan flute music” to “our competitor’s prices”. The uniforms of the flight attendants are […]

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Category: fiblet

Something reaches down and lifts Cyclopterus like a toy in a bathtub. Inertia pushes Galik into his seat. The vessel tilts, nose down: slides fast-forward as though surfing some invisible wave. Moreno curses and grabs the stick as Cyclopterus threatens to turn, to tumble. Wipe out… In the next moment everything is calm as glass […]

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Sunflowers, Hamsters, and Elderberries: Bifrost Does Watts.

Category: ink on art, interviews

In an inexplicable yet welcome bit of ego-boo, the current issue of the French Magazine BiFrost (#93) is infested with stuff about (and in a couple of cases, by) me. “ZeroS” is in there, in French. So’s my afterword from Beyond the Rift. There’s some kind of reader’s guide to the Sunflowers Cycle, and an […]

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The Weakest Link.

Category: ink on art

I first wrote the following back in 2014, one of my columns for Nowa Fantastyka.  Such columns— generally a longer version of them, actually, since the NF pieces are limited to 6K characters including spaces—  often make it onto the ‘crawl eventually.  Apparently, though, “The Weakest Link” never did these past four years. It would […]

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Time Dilation in Tel Aviv.

Category: On the Road, public interface

None of the following events should have happened, by rights. I should never have even made it to Tel Aviv, but for some vestige of Baptist Guilt. Why, I’ve Got Friends I Haven’t Even Used Yet I currently have nearly 250 unanswered emails in my In-Box. Some are links and bulletins concerning cool bits of […]

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Toronto 2033.

Category: writing news

Okay, this time let’s see if I can post a fluffy little bit of writing news without provoking a political shitstorm: That Google-related fiblet  I posted a few weeks back? I can tell you where that comes from now. The critically-acclaimed urban-issues magazine Spacing is breaking with tradition and commemorating its 15th anniversary with a […]

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Images, Opera, Israel.

Category: art on ink, On the Road

  A bit of a break from the doom’n’gloom; instead of rubbing your noses in real-world apocalypsi, I’ll rub them in my fictional ones instead. Those at least have the advantage of cool cover art.    Air Quotes in Israel First off, though, let me pull a 180 and announce something downright literally Utopian: to […]

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