The Three-Bragger Problem

Preamble: OK, I lied. Said last time that this time was gonna be about science, and no more of this fluffy promo bullshit. And I meant well. But this time, the fluffy promo is about me. And it’s cool. And more to the point, I don’t have to spend hours doing research on things I don’t actually know much about, so it’s fast. When you’re writing to deadline, fast is good.

Brag 1.

So check this out:

I have a small hand in this universe. I’m developing some of its Lore. I am not allowed to give you any details, but none of you will be surprised to learn that said Lore contains certain, shall we say, Darwinian elements.

I think it’s going to rock.

Brag 2.

There’s something I’m allowed to share even fewer details about than EVE. In fact, I’m not even allowed to say that I am involved in it, although the trailer dropped earlier than EVE’s and the curtain rises sooner. I am allowed to paste promo copy from a certain corporate entity about a certain project—in effect, to place someone else’s generic ad copy onto the ‘Crawl without explaining its relevance. This is an opportunity I must regretfully decline.

A shame, though. From what I’ve seen, it’s gonna be awesome. Stay tuned.

Brag 3.

And this—this—may be the least significant item in terms of pop culture, but it is, by far, the closest to my heart. It is an honor that generally accrues only to the likes of Gary Larson, Greta Thunberg, and Radiohead.

Niko Kasalo & Josip Skejo have named a tribe of Australian Pygmy Grasshoppers after me.

I mean, not me personally, but one of my novels. The Tribe is Echopraxiini; the genus is Echopraxia; the species is E. Hasenpuschi. And should any of you point out that correlation is not causation, and that there might be any number of reasons why someone might name a taxon after the neurological malady without even knowing about my novel, I’ve got you covered:

The paper in its entirety is paywalled, but I have uploaded a copy for your forensic edification just in case you think I’m full of shit. After reading it you may still conclude that I faked the whole manuscript, which offhand I cannot disprove. But if I did, you gotta admit I did a bang-up job.

Anyway: now you have some idea of the stuff I’ve been doing when I haven’t been writing Echopraxia Omniscience. I haven’t just been lying around jerking off all these months.

Well, not exclusively.

Next up: science. Definitely[1].

  1. Probably.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 at 4:42 pm and is filed under ink on art, writing news. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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1 day ago

Hey Peter! Long time since I checked in with your goings-on. Congrats on your grasshopper namesake (though the Quasimodini grasshopper is intriguing)!

23 hours ago

I used to be very into EVE Online, glad to see you getting into that.

Also “Anyway: now you have some idea of the stuff I’ve been doing when I haven’t been writing Echopraxia.”

You mean untitled 3rd Firefall book?

20 hours ago
Reply to  BAMK

I though that the name is Omniscience?

Egg Syntax
Egg Syntax
16 hours ago

‘Niko Kasalo & Josip Skejo have named a tribe of Australian Pygmy Grasshoppers after me.’

Truly one of the greatest honors anyone can attain. Congratulations!

12 hours ago

It’s so cool that they named the grasshopper after your book. Congratulations!

7 hours ago

Congratulations! I hope you are feeling suitably chuffed.

4 hours ago

When it comes to “mercenary” work, i wish someone would pick up the very old ip of Subwar 2050, and hire you to write the lore and story.
Alas, its not very likely this would ever happen. I mean, i wonder does anyone here even remember that old DOS/amiga scifi “fighter submarine” simulator where you fought for ugly corporate interests in dystopian future as PMC pilot “flying” semi-realistic one-man fighter sub ? It was damn unique game, sadly limited by 1994s era technology.