Worst Date Ever.


He turned, flinched, brought his hands up barely in time to catch the box sailing towards him. It might have held a large pizza, judging by size and shape; maybe three of them, stacked. Scasers, adhesives, bladders of synthetic blood nestled in molded depressions under the lid. Some kind of bare-bones first-aid kit.

“Fix it.”

Somehow Valerie had already stripped down to her coverall, geckoed her abandoned spacesuit to the wall like a crumpled wad of aluminum foil. Her left arm was extended, wrist up, sleeve rolled back. A Victorian junkie awaiting an injection. Her forearm bent just slightly, halfway down its length. Not even vampires had joints there.

“What— how did—”

“The ship breaks. Shit happens.” Her lips drew back. Her teeth looked almost translucent in the glassy light. “Fix it.”

“But— my ankle—”

Suddenly they were eye-to-eye. Brüks reflexively dropped his gaze: a lamb in a lion’s presence, no recourse beyond obeisance, no hope beyond prayer.

“Two injured elements,” Valerie whispered. “One mission-critical, one ballast. Which gets priority?”

“But I don’t—”

“You’re a biologist.”

“Yes but—”

“An expert. On life.”


“So fix it.”

He tried to meet her eyes, and couldn’t, and cursed himself. “I’m not a medical—”

“Bone are bones.” From the edge of vision he saw her head tilt, as if weighing alternatives. “You can’t do this, what good are you?”

“There must be some kind of sick bay on board,” he stammered. “A, an infirmary.”

The vampire’s eyes flickered to the hatch overhead, to the label it framed: Maintenance & Repair. “A biologist,” she said, something like mirth in her voice, “And you think there’s a difference.”

This is insane, he thought. Is this is some kind of test?

If so, he was failing it.

He held his breath and his tongue, kept his eyes on the injury: closed fracture, thank Christ. No skin breaks, no visible contusions. At least the break hadn’t torn any major blood vessels.

Or had it? Didn’t vampires— that’s right, they vasoconstricted most of the time, kept most of their blood sequestered in the core. Valerie’s radial artery could be ripped wide open and she might never even feel it until she went into hunting mode…

Maybe give her prey a fighting chance, at least…

He tamped down on the thought, irrationally terrified that she might be able to see it flickering there in his skull. He focused on the bend instead: leave it, or try to reseat the bone? (Leave it, he remembered from somewhere. Keep movement to a minimum, reduce the risk of shredding nerves and blood vessels…)

He pulled a roll of splinting tape from the kit, snapped off a few 30-cm lengths (long enough to extend past the wristit was starting to come back). He laid them down equidistantly around Valerie’s arm (God she’s cold), pressed gently into the flesh (don’t hurt her, don’t fucking hurt her) until the adhesive took and hardened the splints into place. He backed away as the vampire flexed and turned and examined his handiwork.

“Not set straight,” she remarked.

He swallowed. “No, I thought — this is just tempor—”

She reached across with her right hand and broke her own forearm like a sapling. Two of the splints snapped with a sound of tiny gunshots; the third simply ripped free of the flesh, tearing a divot in the skin.

The fascia beneath was bloodless as paraffin.

She extended the re-fractured arm. “Do it again.”

Holy shit, Brüks thought.

Fuck fuck fuck.

Not a test, he realized. Never a test, not with this thing. A game. A sick sadistic game, a cat playing with a mouse…

Valerie waited, patient and empty, less than two meters from his jugular.

Keep going. Don’t give her an excuse.

He took her arm in his hands again. He clenched tight to keep them from shaking; she didn’t seem to notice. The break was worse now, the bend sharper; bone pushed up from beneath the muscles, raised a kotty little hillock under the skin. A purple bruise was leaking into existence at its summit.

He still couldn’t meet her eyes.

He grabbed her wrist with one hand, braced against the cup of her elbow with the other, pulled. It was like trying to stretch steel: the cables in her arm seemed too tough, too tightly sprung for mere flesh. He tried again, yanked as hard as he could; he was the one who whimpered aloud.

But the limb stretched a little, and the broken pieces within ground audibly one against another, and when he let go that lumpy protuberance had disappeared.

Please let this be enough, he prayed.

He left the broken splints in place, laid down new lengths of tape adjacent. Pressed and waited as they grew rigid.

“Better,” Valerie said. Brüks allowed himself a breath.

Crack. Snap.

“Again,” Valerie said.

What’s wrong with you?” The words were out before he could catch them. Brüks froze in their wake, terrified at the prospect of her reaction.

She bled. The bone was visible now beneath stretched skin, like a jagged deadhead in murky water. The contusion around it expanded as he watched, a bloody stain spreading through wax. But no, not wax, not any more; the pallor was fading from Valerie’s flesh. Blood was seeping from the core, perfusing the peripheral tissues. The vampire— warmed

She’s vasodilating, he realized. She’s switching into hunting mode. Not a game after all, not even an excuse.

A trigger…

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 30th, 2013 at 5:27 am and is filed under Dumbspeech, fiblet. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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11 years ago

Mmmmm. Lunch.

Rick Ward
Rick Ward
11 years ago

I always forget that your vampires only ever speak (think?) in present tense.

11 years ago

Chilling. But Valerie doesn’t seem like a scary enough name for a cold blooded killer.

Mr Non-Entity
Mr Non-Entity
11 years ago

@Matt, who wrote in-part: But Valerie doesn’t seem like a scary enough name for a cold blooded killer.

Matt, it has been my experience with a variety of dogs that it’s the ones named “Snuggles” or “Precious” which are most likely to bite.

@Peter Watts: I trust this means you’re getting close enough to completing the book so that I can soon buy it and read it to place this in context.

At first, I was wondering WTF exactly Valerie thinks she’s doing, but a moment’s reflection on the way you’re writing Brüks as extremely paranoid, and noting that Valerie seems to have the opinion that mission success is highest priority, it seems to me that she might just be testing his ability to do complex tasks under pressure. (Brüks clearly considers this but differently attributes motive.)

First she checks to see if Brüks can remember his training when she’s in close quarters, and he does, but not to her satisfaction. Or/and, she’s also testing to see if he can get some theory-of-mind on her which doesn’t just feed his paranoia to the point of incapacity.

Can he figure out that she’s able to engage self-control to the point of repeatedly breaking her own bones and still not lashing out from pain? (Not too sure if the Wattsian Vampire has very rapid healing and/or really unusual ability to ignore pain. Most carnivores are pretty wimpy about avoiding injury where possible and nursing their wounds when injury was unavoidable.) He passes the first few levels of testing but here comes the big test: she knows he knows how to recognize and fear a vampire going into hunting mode, but can he remain collected enough to understand that she could be in hunting mode but he’s not the prey, rather, she may need him to do fast patching of wounds so she can get back into the fray (or on task, whatever). Again, I don’t have the context and backstory and so could be way off base here.

Also, whatever Brüks is thinking, she might be less of going into hunting mode because she thinks he looks tasty, and more entering the non-vasorestricted state because she wants some blood flow to wash out the wound. Or maybe she’s playing a sociopathic game with her physiology to see if she can make him faint from the sight of blood. Brüks seems to think so, though outside of the context I can’t know whether Brüks’s opinion is just his opinion of a really stressed-out moment, or if this (not a test, a game) might be something known from past experience to be characteristic of Valerie in particular or all Wattsian Vampires in general. (I have mentioned the “cheerful malice” some have associated to the high-function end of the autism spectrum. Maybe your vampires have a really bad case of it. 😉 )

Whatever, great flow and characterization, at least if you’re trying to characterize Brüks as someone trying to rise above natural terror. Also, I retain the impression that the way you write vampires, they’re in a mental mode where they keep expecting the non-vampires to figure out what they’re doing/thinking/feeling, sort of object-lesson type stuff, and the “normal” people never fail to disappoint. Maybe she’s just trying to convince Brüks that no matter how badly she’s hurt or how engaged in hunting model she may be, he is not going to have to worry about her turning on him. I mean, she’s already had plenty of time and proximity even without amping up the physiology. Presumably she could of just beaned him with the first-aid box and gone from there. Brüks should understand she’s being patient, she might be thinking.

Wow, lots to think about in such a short fragment. Thanks, squirming in seat awaiting publication….

11 years ago

It looks like she’s teaching him under stress.

11 years ago

Christ, and here I thought Sarasti was a creepy bastard.

Steve VanDevender
11 years ago

As someone who has a lot of personal experience with broken bones (because I actually carry a mutated gene for type-I collagen), I would just like to say:


11 years ago

Not sure if Non-entity is over-thinking it, or i am not thinking about it enough…

11 years ago

One question: is Valerie beautiful? Is she look like Selen from Underworld?

Peer Watts
Peer Watts
11 years ago

Valerie’s like one of the blue-eyed longwalkers from Game of Thrones. Only with hair.

Whether that meets your standards of beauty is for you to decide. Personall, I find it kind of hot.

11 years ago

And more: when publication Exopraxia? An when you will write novell from Island and novell about Polaris War, canadian biologist and giant squids?

11 years ago

“Valerie’s like one of the blue-eyed longwalkers from Game of Thrones. Only with hair.”
I not see Game of Thrones.

11 years ago

I may read too many dodgy manga, but it might be her idea of foreplay. There are other reasons for blood rushing into places than aggression, after all.

11 years ago

And what about beauty of Valerie, Watts?

11 years ago

Peter Watts: . I think of it’s the kind of project Micheal Crichton would have written, if Micheal Crichton could write.

mr.Watts, i readed Michael Crichton. You are not Michael Crichton.

Dark Hunter-X
Dark Hunter-X
11 years ago

Roswell!!! Roswell!!!!

11 years ago

In the novels of Michael Crichton, never had a fantasy. They always plot revolved around existing technology or scientific discovery. Your books are fantasy.

11 years ago

Aliens, is a fantasy too

Dark Hunter-X
Dark Hunter-X
11 years ago

Peter Watts: Dude, if you’re ever in Toronto, you have to let me buy you a beer.


11 years ago

So, besides aesthetic enjoyment, what I get out of this is that, should I break a bone and find a biologist at hand, I should not get my hopes up too much.

Michael Kamp
11 years ago

This is for the Blood Type anthology, right?

I tried my luck as well, but has yet to hear if it got accepted. 🙂

Gary Flood
Gary Flood
11 years ago

Peter, hi, sorry I know I am asking for already published data here, but can I clarify please

1 This extract is from a new novel, the side-quel to ‘Blindsight’? Is that what the ‘ex-xxx’ string noun refers to?
2 OR is the new novel of a different universe of yours?
3 When can we see either/any of the damn thing?
4 Who doesn’t watch GOT??


11 years ago

4) I don’t and never shall. No matter how good Game of Thrones is, it’s not worth subscribing to another pay cable channel. But besides that — I just don’t enjoy such stories anymore. It’s about royalty wars, right? 99% of the people making up that universe will never cross the stage.

Mr Non-Entity
Mr Non-Entity
11 years ago

@ digi_owl, who wrote: Not sure if Non-entity is over-thinking it, or i am not thinking about it enough…

I am over-thinking it. I’d say “so is Bruks” but he’s clearly pretty close to “mental meltdown”. Sorry, I am a big fan of the literature, see also back to UseNet news:alt.vampyres or for that matter news:alt.culture.vampires (which may have been the biggest and most tongue-in-cheek UseNet troll since the Empire of Meow). The best time period to Gooja is probably 1994-1998 or so.

Of course, my sadly demented personal opinion is that if there were any such thing, there would be nothing more worthy of over-thinking than vampires… at least when they aren’t right there studying you to try to know what you’re thinking before you do.

@Peter Watts: I don’t recall seeing any fiblets with a concise description of Valerie. Can we assume that she’s not much different from the female mentioned in the beginning of Blindsight? A bit taller than the average “normal” man, a head taller than the average “normal” woman, thus about 6’2″ or a bit under 2m height, built a bit like one of those tall Russian tennis professionals but even more of a “stretch” model, yellowish eyes and the hands of a concert pianist? Not exactly anyone’s idea of “pretty” but not particularly beastly? Maybe someone you wouldn’t much notice other than for height and skinny build, so long as they were just standing there, but whose slightest motion would inspire a seriously creepy feeling if not actual flight response?

Re: Crichton was not too horribly bad when he was in his “docu-drama” mode, as in Terminal Man. If one doesn’t mind a story that is mostly a lot of vignettes of policy briefings, police roll-call meetings, and the minutes of government meetings, he’s usually pretty readable. For those whose daily lives consist of that sort of meetings and memos, reading Crichton is like spending a few days in the career of someone whose job is more interesting than one’s own. 😉

Gary Flood
Gary Flood
11 years ago

Peter Watts,

I’ll just have to make do with the collection piece until then?

Re GOT, what you North Americans may not get is how damn NORTHERN it is. So gritty. It’s like an evening down my local – only with swords. (About the same amount of breasts.) Fantastic casting and voice coaching if nothing else.

I thought I saw a name like Extrophobia around the site. Or maybe that’s some bugs you are experimenting on?

Re prose style: you piss on Crichton. Simples.

Gary Flood
Gary Flood
11 years ago

Though he did churn out some good pot-boilers. I re-watched ‘Andromeda Strain’ the other day, the movie version v faithful to the book; he kind of invented that techno-thriller genre, right, with all the file heading report stuff etc? But that’s a one-trick point if ever I saw one. But it rocks along pretty well, as does ‘Jurassic Park.’

How about Crichton = the band Uriah Heep, Watts = Led Zep? Does that work as an analogy?

Gary Flood
Gary Flood
11 years ago

I am really disgustingly pleased with the analogy, though, as UH – simple but effective boogie music, LZ – simple but effective boogie music with 47 extra dimensions.

Now stop playing with your blog, have a big coffee and write some more lovely challenging complex content, Mr W.

After all: ‘Winter Is Coming.’

11 years ago

Since names were mentioned, where did Jukka Sarasti get his? I was telling a friend about blindsight and mentioned him, and he remarked on how overtly vampiric it sounded. A bit of a riff on Bela Lugosi I imagine…?

11 years ago

Crichton, Meyers, Larry the Cable Guy, Miss Kitty, the “secret” is accessibility. Fancy writing and subtlety don’t hold a candle to universality, I suppose.

I think Peter often does just fine explaining multiple subjects that Crichton, due to how he handles it, could only cover two or three in a book. Sometimes Peter throws that many or more in a paragraph. Makes your head spin but in a good way.

11 years ago

Peter Watts: Not familiar with Uriah Heap beyond the Roger Dean album covers. I won’t complain if you want to compare me to Zeppelin, although said comparison gives me too much credit.

In case someone else is not familiar with Uriah Heep, but doesn’t bother googling, this is July Morning, Lady in Black, The Wizard. Not a bad analogy, by the way.

11 years ago

Reading this episode between Valerie and Brüks reminds me of training the dog.
Does Valerie have a pet now?

11 years ago

The department head mistook it for a compliment.

Wut? You no like scary ladies? (rofl)
I have no idea why, but I really like the sharp and scary ones.
Wish fate was not what it was with that six-five blonde who had such neat scars.


No offense, but most people would agree Dr.Watts writes somewhat better, stylistically speaking.

Quality is no determinant of popularity, as the massive success of Turd Brown has demonstrated.

11 years ago

“But— my ankle—”

Did she break his ankle in the scene before this?

11 years ago

Yeah, but the Blindsight vampires do not actually need to eat people, since that deficiency was engineered out right? They left in just the crucifix glitch?

Cannibalism is a little offputting, but not a dealbreaker I would say. I mean, as long as she’d only eat despicable people, of whom there is plenty… :p and not leave body parts and blood all over the place.. .

11 years ago

Is this female vampire going to be a main character in the new book? I’d definitely like to read more of your vampires, since they’re so different than what we usually see in fiction. I wouldn’t mind knowing more about how they think and live.

11 years ago


ha, I don’t need to eat adorable animals, but I do.

Gary Flood
Gary Flood
11 years ago

So ‘Exopraxia’ (my ‘e-x-string’) is the next novel, August 2014 (which may be a bad selling window but is a hell of a centennial anniversary)?

11 years ago

Well played sir! Well played indeed!!!

Peter Watts,

11 years ago

ha, I don’t need to eat adorable animals, but I do.

True. Bit of a poacher myself.

I mean, If a hare starts promenading two meters to the right of my airgun target … it is obviously begging for it...

11 years ago


yeah, rabbits are fairly adorable, but I eat them. I am currently holding the line against eating octopus. If I was at a place with a takoyaki stand I’d be in a lot of trouble. hard to avoid being around modern humans when they decant you.

maybe it’s easier to resist if modern humans taste fairly gross.

11 years ago

maybe it’s easier to resist if modern humans taste fairly gross.

I do not think people taste gross.

And.. “hard to avoid being around modern humans when they decant you. ” ?
I don’t catch the meaning of the sentence.

I’m a bit conflicted when it comes to eating pork. It is very tasty, but pigs are smart, social animals. Seems a bit cruel to fatten them in deprived enviroments and then slaughter them just like that.

Wild-caught pig seems okay to me though.

11 years ago

And.. “hard to avoid being around modern humans when they decant you. ” ?
I don’t catch the meaning of the sentence.

“Decant” in _Brave New World_ indicates humans who are grown in artificial wombs. I cannot remember if we know how individual Blindsight vampires are gestated — but we know the species has been artificially re-created for use as tools to the humans.

If being around humans is a problem for a vampire, the vampire could try and avoid humans. But since vampires are artificially created for specialized jobs, they may have no choice but to go among humans. But suppose they are free agents, it is probably still too hard to actually quit a job. If a vampire quit a job, it might be in violation of using its genes without permission. or something ridiculous like that.

11 years ago

Peter Watts:
Nah. A stack of Michael Crichton novels fell on it.


11 years ago

On the other hand.. they were created because of their savant-like abilities, which means their jobs would involve intellectual work, of the kind that can already be mostly done by telepresence.

11 years ago

pigs are smart, social animals. Seems a bit cruel to fatten them in deprived enviroments and then slaughter them just like that.

Wild-caught pig seems okay to me though.

See, I always thought the logic in that was upside down. Surely the wild pig is more of an individual? Should the vampires eat you or the product of a Romanian orphanage style upbringing?

Raising meat animals in a mental development depriving environment is the least we can fucking do, imho.

Darn, forgot the namefields, apologies for the duplicate post if it comes through

11 years ago

Raising meat animals in a mental development depriving environment is the least we can fucking do, imho.

I disagree. Proponents of free-range style farming disagree too.

With hunting, you leave the animals alone, usually to live quite happily in a predator-free enviroment (few temperate places outside of Amur region, Siberia, have enough big predators preying on wild pigs) …

So you leave them alone, to live happily, until the day they suddenly die in a brief moment of agony – unless the hunter is incompetent and misses the heart.

11 years ago

Peter Watts: A fan from Finland (whom I expect to meet in the flesh for the first time in a month or so) has a friend called Jukka (whom I met in the flesh for the first time last year). It stuck with me, and I was looking forname consistent with icy pallor, so anything Scandanavian worked.

As for “Sarasti”, the syllables just came together in my head one day.

“Sarasti” is quite a fitting name for a vampire, even a non-porphyric one, as it’s the past tense for the verb “to dawn” (the way the Sun does).

It’s great to have you in Finland, Mr. Watts. I’m usually not the kind of a person to go to these ‘cons’ (I don’t do silly outfits), but this time I’ll make an exception in order to see one of my favourite authors.

Also looking forward to doing a US+Canada road trip later this year, with the much renowned for their friendly “hands on” service overland border crossings…

11 years ago

So you leave them alone, to live happily, until the day they suddenly die in a brief moment of agony – unless the hunter is incompetent and misses the heart.

That’s nice, but there’s 10 billion of us projected for the population peak so we gotta be a little more practical.

Ethically the ideal thing is to grow the damn meat in a vat, we aren’t there yet so the next best thing is to grow it with as little neural development as possible.

I’d make the analogy to the humanist position on abortion, we don’t care about the meat as much as the sentience that grows on the meat. Better to abort the kid than to raise him in a slum.

But I guess we’re both just restating our assertions here. I *understand* the notion of giving the meat a happy life before you harvest it, but it makes no prectical sense to me, it’s some kind of magical thinking or sop to our conscience. Now if you tell me it tastes better, like Serrano ham where the pigs are raised with a particular diet, then we have something.

11 years ago

Generally, not only tastes better, but fear was found in beef to release toxins or at least too much in the way of steroids to make it preferable to the old way of doing things. The solution was to hire animal psychologists to make the process less traumatic, likely in a way that only Douglas Adams could describe adequately.

11 years ago


I dont think your logic of animals being better of with “as little neural development as possible” is correct. Is there any science behind that? Are you saying that an animal that is raised in confined ‘factory’ settings is less aware of its impending doom than a free range animal?

For me I buy only free range, organically grown anmial products. At least as much as possible. I want my cows eating hay not corn and will gladly pay double to get it. Consider this: Manuer from grass fed cows is considered a good fertilizer; Manuer from corn fed cows is considered a hazerdous waste because of the increased levels of e coli and other bacteria. Many of the recent e coli outbreaks from spinach or cantelopes was traced back to contamination from corn-fed cow manuer. That in itself should be enough to end the practice.

11 years ago

That’s nice, but there’s 10 billion of us projected for the population peak so we gotta be a little more practical.

So? I did not say it is efficient, or anything like that. Meat can mostly be dispensed with, however, eliminating all meat production would actually be wasteful since pigs can easily be raised on waste products humans cannot use.

I also doubt the world is ever gonna hit 10 billion – the demographic transition is well on the way everywhere except Africa… and sooner, or later someone will reign those people in too. Chinese, for example.

That in itself should be enough to end the practice.

Yeah. Right. The practice will end right when US govt ceases to subsidize corn production.

Which is going to take place right about the time Saudi Arabia legalises homosexual behavior, Hell freezes over and people start complaining that there is not enough road rage in Russia … (those of you who do not watch Russian dashcam videos, you’re missing out. )

11 years ago

10 billion is the projected figure taking demographic transitions into account, I got it off a TED talk by Hans Roslin


Of course if a quiverfull religious meme takes over globally we might go back to exponential growth. But how likely is that!?

>Are you saying that an animal that is raised in confined ‘factory’ settings is less aware of its impending doom than a free range animal?

The analogy I made in my first post was pretty clear, I’ll restate it: A penned pig is to a wild pig what a human raised in a Romanian orphanage (That is, chained to a bed for 14 years with zero human contact), is to you. This is a damaged, undeveloped neural system with yes, very likely severe awareness deficiencies.

I’m sure there’s plenty of science on developmental problems due to neglect in humans, I’m not sure what the staus is on using humans as an animal model for other species, it seems a little unusual, but I think a case could be made.

I’m not saying this is a nice thing to do, it is a horrible thing to do to a pig, never mind a person. So is sneaking up to them and blowing their brains out when they least expect it. Although I agree it’s probably easier if you have to go. But that is not the point.

The point is this: The pig in the pen has less neural development, it has been stunted, and by stunting it, we’re actually doing it a favour. We should actually do it on purpose, breeding for low cephalization, etc…


[…] A short vampire story by Peter Watts […]

11 years ago


[quote]The point is this: The pig in the pen has less neural development, it has been stunted, and by stunting it, we’re actually doing it a favour. We should actually do it on purpose, breeding for low cephalization, etc…[/quote]

Wow. So by working your logic back into humans, we are actually doing those Romanian children a favor by chaining them to their beds. By ‘stunting’ those children they will not have to endure the emotional stress of living a life of poverty.


11 years ago

Actually the analogy I used for humans was abortion 🙂

Charles R
Charles R
11 years ago

Engineer the cow’s nervous systems, either genetically or through machine interface or both, to not feel/produce fear response. Then you have rows and shelves of happy-enough cows. The problems of pain are easy enough to solve once industry applies itself to sentimentality. We just have this notion pain is romantic–a reminder of life–as long as it’s naturally experienced and naturally endured. But take some effective drugs, and you’re the loser; hook up to a DYI tDCS unit, and you’re taking the easy way out; use the tech available to redefine the point of pain, and you’re a capitalist monster. Letting things suffer is, however, the prejudice of the democratic spirit, believing so earnestly in the prevalence of redeeming suffering it nearly mandates nobody messes with the system so that all may be saved through the daily mortification of the flesh. But if we’re going to think the world from the standpoint of a world without even the implicitly religious, then the elevation of pain as sacrosanct to the function of living, as authentic or natural or essential, must pass away to treating it like any other design flaw ingenuity overcomes on the way to maximizing utility.

11 years ago

Charles R,

I’m glad someone else gets it, I didn’t think the idea would be a hard sell for Peter Watts readers 🙂

11 years ago

Reminds me of teaching folks some basic IT skills… 😉