Three Interviews and a Book Launch

For those of you who didn’t already see this over on Facebook, or who haven’t noticed it on the inconspicuous little “Upcoming Appearances” list to the right: Freeze-Frame Revolution is getting an official launch at Toronto’s premiere SF bookstore, Bakka-Phoenix. The announcement on the BP site sets the launch to both June 6 and June 23rd. I’m assuming that first date is a typo (at least, if it isn’t, I’ve missed my own novella-launch so never mind). In either case the time is 3pm.

I will be there, as will various snacks and nonalcoholic beverages.  As will Ben Eldridge, the dude responsible for last year’s Space Vampires symposium at U of T, who has once again flown all the way from Australia to introduce me and possibly interview me and hopefully help me find a short excerpt to read which 1) I haven’t posted here,  and which 2) doesn’t give away too much of the plot. The man is insane. With a hundred more like him I could probably topple the US government.

Anyway: 84 Harbord Street, Toronto. 3pm. Bring your friends. Bribe your enemies. I’m always worried no one’s gonna show up at these things.


In related news, I’m doing a few interviews concurrent with this new release. A Q&A with Paul Semel recently went live over here: Paul appears to be an unusually perceptive and intelligent dude, as evidenced by his opening observation that I am a warm and caring person. I’ll be prepping for a Skype interview with Wired pretty much the moment I finish uploading this post. And just this morning I got the first of an ongoing series of questions from Erwann Perchoc over in France, for an interview in BiFrost so extensive and personal that it will apparently take months to conduct:

“When one reads your stories and novels, one might picture you as a misanthropic and aloof person. Having the pleasure to met you—though briefly—at Utopiales a few years back, I saw that it was only an impression. So, before delving into your works, I’d like to ask you a few questions about you in order to dispel this impression…

How was your childhood?”

I’m thinking maybe the set-up was ironic. Either that or “dispel” doesn’t mean what he thinks it means…


Finally: a question for my Russian readers.  Does anyone know what this Starfish cover hails from?


Is it a legit edition? Is it bootleg? I’m only familiar with cover art for one Russian Starfish and it’s, well, this:


I have to admit the first illo is somewhat more evocative of the actual novel. I just don’t know if it’s real (although it definitely should be).


This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 at 10:11 am and is filed under art on ink, interviews, public interface. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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Mr. Vlad
Mr. Vlad
6 years ago

Seems to originate from AST, one of the biggest Russian publishers There is an ISBN behind that link

Mr. Vlad
Mr. Vlad
6 years ago

And that’s the dude responsible for the artwork:

The K
The K
6 years ago

One of these days i will make the trip to Canada, and hold forth my sacred paperbacks, true relics, for you to sign. Alas, it is not this time. I hope it sells fantastic, i devoured the “Freeze Frame Revolution” during a single train ride, and it was awesome!

6 years ago

Seems to be legit:
It looks like a whole series of hardcovers from authors they call “SF stars” (although I can recognize only two other names there: Greg Egan and Ian Mcdonald). It also has Blindsight ( and Echopraxia ( (both hardcovers).

Ross Presser
Ross Presser
6 years ago

Reverse Google search on the cover image turned up this page:

Translating the Russian text there yields:

New: “Sea Stars” by Peter Watts (reprint, augmented)

The press reprinted the Sea Stars by Peter Watts, the first volume of the Rifters trilogy. In the new edition, released in the series “Science Fiction Stars”, in addition to the novel also included two stories: “Bethlehem” and “Indirect damage.”

It links to this edition on this Russian store:

Who lists:

Author: Watts Peter
Translator: Nikolai Kudryavtsev
Publisher: AST , 2018.
Series: Science fiction stars
Genre: Contemporary Foreign Prose

Hopefully this is of some help.

Ross Presser
Ross Presser
6 years ago

Ross Presser: Author: Watts Peter
Translator: Nikolai Kudryavtsev
Publisher: AST , 2018.
Series: Science fiction stars
Genre: Contemporary Foreign Prose

Oh, it also gives the ISBN: 978-5-17-105894-4

That should help pin down the edition even better, maybe?

Pavel Lishin
Pavel Lishin
6 years ago

The publisher appears to be “АСТ”, and they’ve got a whole slew of foreign author book releases listed here:

They’ve also got a cool Blindsight cover:

Peter D
Peter D
6 years ago

Peter Watts: And I have to say, the new cover fits the story way better.

Wait, so Starfish WASN’T about a nereid tongue-kissing an intelligent sun? I may need to read it again.

I’d love to come to your event, but work conflicts. Hope it goes well.

Peter D
Peter D
6 years ago

Also, yay, my pre-ordered hardcopy just arrived today.

6 years ago

What a cruel taunt. I preferred Error 404 to horseshoes and handgrenades.

Great read by the way, I’m going to pass it on to some friends.

Mark Russell
6 years ago

Just finished Freeze-Frame (and re-reading the other Sunflowers stories). Apologies if you’ve answered this before … but are there any plans afoot to make one giant Sunflowers collected volume? I’d love to have them all together in a nice hardcover (along with a couple of new installments, of course).

Mark Russell
6 years ago

Aha, you did mention the bigger-collection idea in your post announcing the book. Sorry, it slipped my mind when I wrote my comment a couple of days ago.

6 years ago

So. How is your month off going? Did you binge on video games as you intended?

Conversationally, just picked up my first 3d printer. Sarasti choking out Siri is definitely on a short list of things I’d like to print. I believe someone else beat me to a Theseus.

Rich Romano
Rich Romano
6 years ago

“With a hundred more like him I could probably topple the US government.”

Please hurry.