The Freeze-Frame AMA.

Category: interviews, public interface

Last-minute Editorial Update: It’s actually happening at noon. Which is 44 minutes from when I’m typing this. I suppose I should have mentioned that sooner… * I’m doing another one of these Reddit AMA thingies next Wednesday.  Prior to that event, I’m supposed to post some kind of evidence that I am not, for example, […]

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Category: On the Road, public interface

Eight thousand kilometers out of Beijing, I already know I’m in China. The intercom welcomes me to CA962 while the plane’s still taxiing out onto the runway in Frankfurt: “I am the head of the security detachment for this flight. I and my staff have been charged with keeping order. You may suffer detention, sanction, […]

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Just So You Know.

Category: On the Road, public interface

Yeah, pretty quiet here lately. Those of you insecure and craven enough to be on Facebook (like, for example, me) might know it’s because I worked for a few weeks on this talk about the evolution of delusional optimism in Homo sapiens, to give at this weekend’s Asia-Pacific SF Con in Beijing. It was originally […]

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Opera and Inspiration

Category: writing news

An assortment of news: Publisher’s Weekly gave a starred review to Freeze-Frame Revolution, and also listed it among 2018’s Best Summer Reads. Of course, Publisher’s Weekly also gave a starred review to βehemoth, so some of you might want to factor that into your equation…   The Inspirational Listsicle About two years ago, I was […]

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“A Quiet Place”: UNCWISHes and Dream Logic.

Category: ink on art

This column spoils John Krasinski’s “A Quiet Place”. (Not to worry, though. The screenwriters got there first.) You Have Been Warned.   A monster movie hailed as serious drama. Ninety-five percent on Rotten Tomatoes. “Deeply affecting.” “A superb exercise in understated terror”. “A bold experiment in fear.” And to top it all off, it’s the […]

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Minor Revelations

Category: Sunflowers

So much to reveal. Sadly, most of it is either embargoed, and/or so rife with typos that I’m holding off on the link until they’re fixed. What’s left is, I suppose, one of those “cover reveals” people tend to inflate out of all proportion these days— understandably, since that’s the closest your average midlister comes […]

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Riding the Tiger: or, Flirting with the Antivaxxers.

Category: biology, evolution, In praise of biocide

[PreProda: Yeah, after some really enlightening discussion in the Comments section, I’m walking back about 90% of this post. But I’m leaving it posted both because the comments are so interesting, and as a kind of historical artefact to remind me of what happens when I don’t take the time to think things through.] [Proda: […]

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Object Lesson

Category: fiblet, Sunflowers

Baird Stoller never even pretended to be on our side. Aki Sok did her best, then took her lumps when it wasn’t good enough. Ekanga Mosko was a whole other thing. Recruited, committed, trusted with the secrets of the sanctum—then caught copying specs down in the Glade, loading himself up with secrets to buy his […]

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Category: ink on art

Spoilers Follow. Spoilers for the movie “Annihilation”. (The following review might also go down easier if you’ve read the book.) I’ve always been amazed that Jeff Vandermeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy became a massive best-seller. Truth is, I’m kind of amazed it even made it past the small presses. Don’t take this as a criticism of […]

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Arc Weld

Category: biology, neuro

“Language is a virus from outer space” —William S. Borroughs Chest-thump to start off the year: Last year’s “ZeroS”, appearing in Jonathan Strahan’s Infinity Wars, made it into a couple of (late-breaking update: into three!) Year’s Best collections: Neil Clarke’s Best Science Fiction of the Year (Vol. 3), and another couple I hesitate to name […]

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