Virtual Appearances, Virtual Realities

Category: astronomy/cosmology, Digital Physics

Couple of PSAs to start out with: I’m going to be participating in tomorrow’s Future of Mind Symposium, put on by the Center for Transformative Media down in NYC. (I will, no big surprise, be participating via video-link to reduce the chances of getting killed and/or arrested en route.) The event is free, but you […]

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Shooting Back.

Category: politics, rant

For at least three years now— probably longer— I’ve been worrying at a perpetually-unfinished blog post that tries to take an economic approach to murders committed by cops. I’ve never posted it, for reasons that should be obvious when I outline its essentials. The basic argument is that conventional attempts to reform police behavior are […]

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Category: fiblet, Sunflowers

I cried for the Chimp, once. I was there for his birth. I saw the lights come on, listened as he found his voice, watched him learn to tell Sunday from Kai from Ishmael. He was such a fast learner, and an eager one; back then, barely out of my own accelerated adolescence and not […]

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The Physics of Hope.

Category: astronomy/cosmology, ink on art

Okay, one more before I pack.  Since it came out in NF a long time ago: I never liked physics much. I’m not just talking about the math. I don’t like what modern physics tells us: that time is an illusion, for one thing. That we live in a reality where everything that ever was, […]

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Rim Shot.

Category: misc

So I’ve been snowed under lately, head down in a late-breaking gig that I can’t say anything about except to tell you that I can’t say anything about it (and even that might edging up against the confidentiality clause). I did, however, take a few days off to hang with a childhood friend of mine […]

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Books and Banana.

Category: art on ink, Beyond the Rift, blindsight, ink on art

Here’s the latest in an intermittent series of self-related roundups from around the world, which— while perhaps lacking a certain focus— culminates in what has to qualify as The Best Author Photo Of All Time. But let’s start small, and build to it: It’s only a Recommended list, not a Required one, but it’s nice […]

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I, for One, Welcome Our New…

Category: biology, marine, rifters

I’d just like to say that, when you read Annalee Newitz writing “If trends continue, cephalopods may be among the species who are poised to survive a mass extinction in the oceans, leading to a future marine ecosystem ruled by tentacles.” —or Cory Doctorow warning that— “To imagine the ocean of the future: picture a […]

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Gods and Gamma.

Category: ass-hamsters, neuro

Here’s something interesting: “God Has Sent Me To You” by Arzy and Schurr, in Epilepsy & Behavior (not to mention the usual pop-sci sites that ran with it a couple weeks back). Middle-aged Jewish male, practicing but not religious, goes off his meds as part of an ongoing treatment for grand mal seizures (although evidently […]

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Diamond Blogs

Category: fiblet, Sunflowers

We had a legend, we denizens of Eriophora, of a cavern— deep aft, almost as far back as the launch thrusters themselves— filled with diamonds. Not just ordinary diamonds, either: the uncut, hexagonal shit. Lonsdaleite. The toughest solid in the whole damn solar system— back when we shipped out, at least— and laser-readable to boot. […]

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The Smoke of That Great Burning.

Category: politics, rant

There was a time, a few weeks ago, when I reconsidered my decision to stay out of the US. Most of you know that I’m banned from entering that country anyway. What you may not know is that, as of last summer, I don’t have to be. There’s a kind of expiration date on my […]

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