Art, from Ice to Fire

Category: art on ink

Some new artwork for you, scavenged from my last bout of ego-surfing, because I’m holding off on fiblets until I have something to actually announce; and because any comments I’d make on the ongoing immolation of tar-sands boomtown Fort McMurray by (increasingly less-unseasonable) forest fire activity would be so laden with irony as to be […]

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Ad-A O’Riley.

Category: misc

So, I’m off to gear up for the inaugural night of Ad Astra, but I thought I’d leave the rest of you with a fragment of a (sadly unrealized) science fiction opus about VR, biofeedback, and the addictive properties of targeted music (although this particular fragment was apparently about some farmer). “Baba O’Riley”, from the […]

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Ad Astra and the Battle of Agincourt

Category: On the Road, public interface

You know those dreams where suddenly you’re back in high school and it’s finals week and it’s just dawned on you that you never went to any of your classes? I just had one of those. Except I was awake. It was actually my first high-school appearance since a disastrous encounter with a bunch of […]

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Upgraded to Lightspeed.

Category: interviews, writing news

It’s not often you get a second chance, after your writing’s hit the market. You predicate a whole subspecies on a genetic glitch that, as it turns out, only occurs in males. A character dramatically closes her eyes while wearing corneal overlays that prevent the closing of eyes. You use a friend’s name as a […]

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Adaptive Management and the Walking Dead

Category: art on ink

So. Another year, another season of The Walking Dead. Not the worst time to weigh in, now that the Season finale is behind us. An even better time would have been a few days back, but I was busy getting cowified and I’m still in the medicated recovery phase. Basically there isn’t enough bone between […]

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Of Mice, and Men, and Magneto.

Category: just putting it out there..., neuro, The State

So lookee here (or here, for popsci coverage). Researchers out of the University of Virginia have successfully controlled behavior in mice— possibly instilled True Happiness, although it’s impossible to be sure about another being’s inner emotional state— using controlled magnetic fields. By hacking into the reward centers of the rodent brain they induced the little […]

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Dumb Adult.

Category: ink on art

We didn’t have “Young Adult” when I was your age, much less this newfangled “New Adult” thing they coddle you with. We had to jump right from Peter the Sea Trout and Freddy and the Ignormus straight into Stand on Zanzibar and Solaris, no water wings or training wheels or anything. Amazingly, I managed to […]

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Destination X.

Category: just putting it out there...

Hello, ‘crawlsters.  I would like to solicit your input on the following (utterly hypothetical) question: If, sometime in the next year, you could send me somewhere on this planet— somewhere from which I’d be obligated to report back on my experiences— where would it be? Some conditions apply. I would not willingly go to the […]

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Verbal, Visual

Category: ink on art, On the Road, public interface

Verbal. This is going to be one of those colloidal installments containing bits and pieces too insubstantial to warrant their own standalone posts. Upcoming appearances, for one thing: over the next few months, they’re letting me out in public on three separate occasions: The BUG and I will be coappearing at the Peterborough iteration of […]

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The Tale of Nellie the Nephron.

Category: writing news

They know about this in Poland. They’ve known it for over a month now.  So it seems only fair that I bring the rest of you up to speed on the latest: my imminent retirement from the field of science fiction. Genre SF has been in decline for a number of years. My own work […]

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