But Not the Part Where Everyone Gets Burned Alive.

Category: fiblet

“The Colonel”, my Echopraxia tie-in, is slotted to go live at Tor.com over the next couple of days.  I thought I’d give you a bit of a preview, in between checking out Snowpiercer and going my sixth round with the Russian bureaucracy. I don’t know whether Tor’s planning on luring anyone in with a teaser […]

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I Go Through a Lot of Pants

Category: interviews

A number of years ago— I’m hazy on the details— I made the online acquaintance of one Henry Gee, author of numerous science and fake science books and an editor at Nature. Maybe it was through his role as the wrangler for “Futures”, the series of SF supershorts that finish off each issue in that […]

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A Bauble for Blindsight, a Drum Roll for Dumbspeech

Category: Dumbspeech, writing news

It’s been posted, so now it can be told: Blindsight won this year’s Seiun for best translated novel in Japan. Which means that as of now, that book has won two or three more awards in other languages than it was even nominated for in English.  Maybe I should take a hint from that. Maybe […]

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Sleepwalk to Enlightenment

Category: neuro, sentience/cognition

Judging by the number of links I’ve received, a lot of you are already familiar with this paper on consciousness and the claustrum. Or at least you’re familiar with the tsunami of popsci coverage it’s received. For the rest of you, the tale goes something like this:  54-year old female epileptic, seizure-free for four years […]

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In a World … Where No One Buys Books … Unless they look like Movies

Category: public interface, writing news

So, this kind of came out of the blue yesterday:   Ardi Alspach, my publicist at Tor, commissioned a book trailer for Echopraxia (you can even play it at 720p).  I get the sense I stumbled across it about two minutes after it went live, which gives you a pretty sad indication of my ego-surfing […]

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Category: fiblet

Daniel might like this. A couple of posts back (in a thread of comments I still haven’t had time to answer), he asked if I’d be willing to write military SF unconstrained by the limits of  video games.  As it turns out, I already have: “The Colonel“, upcoming from Tor.com, is sorta-military— although the only […]

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Category: public interface

None of you probably remember that time a couple of years when I mentioned in passing that I was available to do a Q&A on reddit. That was a thing you had to do following the initial overtures: announce on your blog that you really were the guy they thought you were, I’m guessing as […]

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Liquid Surveillance

Category: rant, scilitics

Cool term, huh?  Liquid surveillance. I learned it from Neil Richards’ 2013 paper “The Dangers of Surveillance” in the Harvard Law Review (thanks to Jesus Olmo for the link); it’s a useful label for that contemporary panopticon in which “Government and nongovernment surveillance support each other in a complex manner that is often impossible to […]

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But Not Without Shame

Category: On the Road, public interface, writing news

So, David Brin and I have been chatting behind the scenes; as you might expect, he disagrees with pretty much everything I had to say on the ol’ Scorched-Earth front.  It’s an important issue, one to which I’ll be returning in the near future— but because it’s an important issue, it deserves more time than […]

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“Just to be Clear, I Don’t Expect You to Embrace Any of This…

Category: evolution, just putting it out there..., public interface, scilitics

“I’m told a lot of lawyers tend to show up at these things, and my guess is the standard legal toolbox does not come with a middle finger to stick to the authorities. Then again, lawyers also know better than most what an ass the law is; they know that some are more equal than […]

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