Excuses and Aspirations

Category: On the Road, public interface, writing news

It’s been a while. There’ve been these deadlines. A secret Munich gig I can’t talk about which might turn into something and might not: that took me to the end of January. February got swallowed by a lecture, two short stories, and the monthly Nowa Fantastyk column, all written from scratch. Not to mention an […]

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Being Something That Might Show Up in This Saturday’s Talk.

Category: public interface

Or maybe not. It’s so hard to tell. I see so many patterns. Patterns everywhere…

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Quick Test

Category: Uncategorized

To see if new posts are also plagued by this sudden and mysterious incapacity to leave comments.

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Anybody Out There Know Anything About Military Law?

Category: legal, misc, neuro

No, I’m not in trouble again. I haven’t been talking much lately because I’m facing down four pretty major deadlines that all stomp their big Monty Python Feet down over the next few weeks. Five if you included the deadline I met a few days back, in which I labored to finish a short story […]

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A Christmas Wish.

Category: fiblet

Things fall apart, Yeats wrote. He didn’t know the half of it. He was obsessed with trivia: Humanity, Good and Evil, angry imaginary gods. But it’s not just some rickety social construct coming apart at the seams. It’s the whole fucking universe. There’s no second coming for our cosmos, no Big Crunch after the Bang, […]

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Since There Still Seems to be Some Confusion Over the Title…

Category: Dumbspeech, fiblet

They’d arrived at what had once been some kind of air-traffic hub: a low-slung control shack whose walls and roof came together in a wraparound band of soot-stained windows angled at the sky. Two dead helicopters and a one-winged jump jet littered a scorched expanse of tarmac and landing bullseyes, barely visible beneath the scoring. […]

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I am a Sad Pathetic Old Man.

Category: reviews, whinge

I threw out my back yesterday. I threw out my fucking back. I’ve never done that before. I was doing that thing where you pump the free weights over your head— what do they call that, Military Press? Grabbed them like I’ve done a thousand times before, and whump. It was like someone snapped a […]

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Hot Shot.

Category: fiblet

You do understand: It has to be your choice. They never stopped telling me I was free to leave. They told me while they were still wrangling asteroids out past Mars; they told me as they chewed through those rocks like steel termites, bored out caverns and tunnels, layered in forests and holds and life-support […]

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Collection Agency.

Category: fiblet, writing news

This appears to be Collection Season. Over in Spain Ad Astra is just out (including a nicely unconventional introduction by Manuel de los Reyes, the translator of Blindsight); that’s the cover to the right, and I rather like the whole outer-space/inner-brain riff contained therein. Meanwhile, in the lead-up to the official release date for  Beyond […]

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Cops and Rob-bers

Category: Beyond the Rift, Dumbspeech, On the Road, writing news

Beyond-the-Rift-related items seem to have popped up here and there last week while I was overseas. Interviews went live at the inaugural episode of the rebooted Seattle Geekly, and at Freelance and Fiction. Reviews of BtR popped up at SF Signal and Publisher’s Weekly (both positive, although I don’t think the PW gave me a […]

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