The Halting Problem.

Category: eulogy

  You know you’re asking for it.When you turn down the kittens, because everybody and their dog adopts kittens. When you seek out the battered one-eared guys with pumpkin breath and rotten teeth and FIV, the old bruisers who’ve spent their lives on the street because who else is gonna give them a home? Even […]

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This insane Ferris wheel stretched a hundred meters from side to side.

Category: Dumbspeech, fiblet

But it was an ephemeral contraption of twigs and straws next to the wall of metal looming behind it. Seen from dead-on the Drive would be a disk: a landscape turned on edge, a hard-edged topography of ridges and trenches and right angles. But out here on the wounded rim Brüks could see the mass […]

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In Which I Graciously Respond by Moving Many Hands, and Also a Giant Elephant

Category: interviews, On the Road, public interface

So the “Animals are Assholes” interview is out, and I’m  not sure whether there was a misunderstanding during the actual interview or if Google Translate is no longer my friend— but just for the record I did  not say that giant squid eat jellyfish.  I said that in a few decades there’d be nothing left […]

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Goodreads Giveaway; ActuSF Interview; Ponies in Pith Helmets.

Category: ink on art, interviews, On the Road, public interface, rifters

So I’m back, and only slightly jet-lagged, and there are a million things to do and a proper look back at Nantes would take more time than I’ll have for the next day or so.  If you don’t want to wait to check out the Great Elephant, drop in on Caitlin’s facebook album. If you […]

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“You never finish a book. You only abandon it.”

Category: Uncategorized

Done. Done. Done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done […]

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A Bit of a Twilight Vibe

Category: Dumbspeech, fiblet

(Or, Another of a number of reasons why I haven’t had time to post anything lately…) Valerie kissed him two nights later. He didn’t even know she was there until her hand snapped closed around the back of his neck, spun him around faster than even his brain stem could react. By the time his […]

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Being one of a number of reasons why I haven’t had time to post anything lately…

Category: ink on art

From my first stab at Archiphiloterary Critique. Thank any gods you like that you don’t have to read the other 5,300 words. …Clear draws a number of parallels between Banks’s “Culture” and Constant’s “New Babylon” Rightly so: the parallels are real and obvious. But perhaps that isn’t so remarkable. There’s no limit to the number […]

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A Hot Time in the Ol’ Town Tonight.

Category: Dumbspeech, ink on art

Going over the galleys for Beyond the Rift. Most of these stories I haven’t read since I first wrote them— which means I’m revisiting some of them for the first time in almost a quarter century. Some stand up.  Others, not so much. “Flesh Made Word”, for example. Third story I ever got published. Got […]

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Too Full, Too Late

Category: public interface

So I’m coming up for air exactly long enough for a quick reminder about that Toronto Science Festival thingy you’ll see on the sidebar, that “Life in the Universe” weekend I mentioned a while back. Back then I reported that late Friday night I’d be sitting in a darkened room with astronomer Mike Reid, where […]

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The Nightshade Non-sequiter: a completely off-topic question about Breaking Bad.

Category: art on ink

Okay, I know I’m supposed to be working on the edits for Echopraxia.  I know I don’t have time for gratuitous blog posts, and the ‘crawl has largely been handed over to the tumbleweeds for the rest of the month. But this is driving me crazy. This is a question about Breaking Bad. The TWOP […]

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