
Category: fiblet

Haven’t posted recently. Too many reasons to list here, but one of them involves an April-30 story deadline that I beat by a measly two hours. I would have beat it by more than that, but after writing half a story I realized it was crap and started out with an entirely new plot exploring […]

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I For One Would Like to Welcome Our New Small-Press Overlords…

Category: On the Road, public interface, writing news

Haven’t had much to say recently. I’ve been head-down against an imminent deadline while trying not to dwell on catastrophic medical scenarios grown suddenly personal (a family member, within a hairsbreadth of death for the past couple of weeks: the situation remains dire, but has at least stabilized for the moment). Topped it all off […]

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Bons Mots.

Category: public interface

Way over in France, ActuSF has posted an interview.  Go here for the Frawnsh translation; here for the original Canuckian).  If you want to know why I suck at writing villains, how American triumphalism forced me to turn Starfish into a trilogy, and exactly why I’m so defensive on the subject of vampires, you might […]

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BOG, meet Internet. Internet: BOG.

Category: misc

  Russian for “God”, I’ve been told. Phonetically at least. Also British for “toilet”.  But here, now, it’s an acronym:  Big Orange Guy or Beloved Old Goof or Barrel O’Greatness. He is not, as you can see, a great beauty. He may in fact be the homeliest mammal in all of southern Ontario. And we […]

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Hopefully Not An April Fool’s Joke.

Category: writing news

I mean, you gotta wonder when Margaret Atwood’s final specs settle in at 666.  Even if she has scarcely varied from that beastly number for the past two weeks. There were a couple of weird hiccoughs along the way — a sudden 2.5% jump for The Pattern Scars back on the 21st, in addition to […]

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Going Viral.

Category: a-life, evolution, writing news

When you’re a first-time lecturer in a department full of senior faculty, odds are you’ll get crap time slots when it comes to your teaching load. When you’re a first-time lecturer whose supervisor is the most-detested rival of the department head, you’re pretty much guaranteed as much. Which is how I ended up teaching Advanced […]

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That Which Is Not To Be Named.

Category: writing news

Or described.  Or empictured, or hinted at, or invoked in any way:  except for this brief and unenlightening announcement, which has been approved from upstairs. I’m working on a project with Capcom Vancouver. It’s currently a Schröedinger’s Cat:  not alive, not dead, or maybe both.  The important thing right now is to not pop the […]

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Cold Vancouver, Creeping Votes

Category: misc, On the Road

I’m on my way to Vancouver for a week (no, I can’t tell you why just yet — hopefully soon). And I gotta say, looking at the weather forecast I am not happy.  I lived in Vancouver for over a decade, and among its many pleasures was the torrent of cherry blossoms and the t-shirt […]

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In Space, No One Can Hear You Scar the Patterns.

Category: ink on art, misc

I was going start this off by claiming that I don’t often pimp those in my own social circle — to try and convey the sense that I’m Mr. Objective and totally averse to conflicts of interest, I guess — but when I thought about that for about two seconds I realized it was bullshit. […]

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Odd Man Out: The Starship Sofa Online Workshop

Category: public interface

Starship Sofa (the phenomenal, out-of-nowhere, Hugo-award-winning brainchild of Tony Smith) is hosting an on-line event on March 31.  It’s being promoted as “a workshop for aspiring science fiction writers”, and at least two of the speakers bear this out: Ann Vandermeer will be talking about “Unlocking Your Creativity”, and Nancy Kress will describe techniques for […]

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