A Prick in a Poke: Penises and the Preconscious Mind

Category: neuro, scilitics

Andrew Buhr pointed me to Jesse Bering’s  article over at scientificamerican.com. It’s an interesting popsci review of sexsomnia (i.e, sex while asleep), and all the awkwardness, legal and otherwise, arising therefrom. The dude in France who anally raped his employee because the employee’s somnambulistic behavior led him to believe the act was consensual; the other […]

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Late-Breaking, Live-Streaming

Category: On the Road, public interface

If any of you have gotten bored and glanced over at the Coming Appearances slice of the sidebar, you may have noticed the Transhumanism Meets Design item coming up this weekend in New York.  It’s an event which, while not present in the flesh, I’ll be Skyping into around 1400 so that I may riff […]

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Vagina Boy.

Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11

It was three months ago to the day that they first opened my leg to scrape out the rot within. Just this week I received the jpeg of that initial exploratory incision: As it turned out, it wasn’t big enough. This is what my leg looked like a few hours later (and, for that matter, […]

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Crysis: Outtake

Category: fiblet

Do you believe in fate, Roger?  Deja vu?  Any of that shit? I never really gave much thought to it before, but lately it’s almost as though something’s —directing me, almost.  Like, as long as you steer right it’s clear to the horizon, but every time you try to go left there’s a pile of […]

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To Intensify Heinlein…

Category: rant, scilitics

…Democracy is based on the idea that a million idiots can make a better decision than a single intelligent person. I suppose the obvious rejoinder would have something to do with sour grapes. Still, the following facts are not in dispute: this is the first government in Canadian history to have been found in contempt […]

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Freddie Mercury was Wrong.

Category: writing news

You may remember a while back when I squeed about “The Things” being nominated for a BSFA. As it turned out yesterday, it didn’t win — which would have left me bitter and resentful if not for the fact that the same story has also made the finals for the Shirley Jackson Award. (This has actually […]

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Fleshmesh: Or, More Guidelines than Actual Rules…

Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11

Specifically, Guideline #5: Do not drink any wine, beer, or alcohol for twenty-four hours after your discharge from the hospital. Yeah, right. Like that was ever going to happen. But I’m back home now, and bedridden again, and all the range-of-motion exercises I was supposed to perform last time (to increase strength in the ankle) […]

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Road Rash Day

Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11, ink on art, writing news

So. Skin graft in a few hours. I’m told it’s a little like laying sod. First they take this Black & Decker belt sander to roughen up that fresh red meat I’ve been growing for the past couple of months (basically to velcroize the surface, so the new skin has some nooks and crannies to […]

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The Cuddliness of the Uplifted Billionaire.

Category: neuro, sociobiology

So this Guy Kahane character, deputy director of the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics,  has been raising a few hackles with his musings on using drugs to induce “moral” behavior. The article has been cut and pasted all over the web (about eight hundred bloggers have opined at last count), and it certainly seems provocative enough […]

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Category: On the Road, public interface

So. Ad Astra in retrospect. Pretty damn fine. (And no one was even capriciously banned from attendance, as far as I know.) I was loaded up with panels on Friday night, loaded up with panels on Sunday. Saturday was pretty much clear except for a reading in the morning and some kind of group autograph […]

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