
Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11

An unwelcome surprise when I stripped off the dressing this morning. Probably should have been more careful about pulling stray cat hairs out of the wound…

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Ad Astra

Category: On the Road, public interface

So. Ad Astra ’11, this very weekend:  their 30th anniversary, and they’re pulling out the stops. In addition to this year’s Guests of Honor (Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon), they’ve recruited a bunch of past GoHs for return engagements. So I’d be one of those. I will be there. First public event since the Killer […]

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Rise Up

Category: Crytek/Crysis, Flesh-Eating Fest '11, public interface, writing news

Gonna see the month out with a bit of a grab-bag. Here’s an illo from the Chinese edition of Blindsight: a bit lurid chromatically, perhaps, but it’s the first cover art I’ve seen that presents broadly accurate renderings of both Theseus and Rorschach. There are other graphics I’d like to share with you at some […]

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Rx for the Singularity.

Category: ink on art

Saw Limitless the other day, the first evening I’ve been out on the town since Fleshfest laid me low. I liked it. It’s one of those interstitial movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: an exploration of the ramifications of new technology (hence Sfnal by definition), but close enough to reality to pose as […]

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Skin Deep

Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11, public interface

Time, rs and Ks, for another installment of Fleshfest ’11. As you can see, the healing of my leg continues apace: Actually, that’s not really my leg (at least, not yet). It’s actually an effigy created by one Duff McCourt, who — upon learning of my fondness for Baileys and marzipan — actually whipped up […]

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Pimping Legion

Category: Crytek/Crysis, public interface, writing news

Oh man, this kinda snuck up on me:  Crysis: Legion is officially out today.  Del Rey is doing a bit of online promo, including posting the first fifty pages on their “Fifty Page Fridays” site.  Of course, they won’t be posting them until Friday; in the meantime, though, I’ve written a series of four blog […]

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I Shared my Flesh with Thinking Cancer.

Category: evolution, extraterrestrial life, just putting it out there...

Some of you may remember that line.  It’s from “The Things“, that unabashed piece of fan-fic I wrote a while back (and which seems to be getting way more love than I was ever expecting). A few of you may even remember the research that inspired it — I  blogged about it a few years […]

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Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11

Several Aggregators picked up “Moving Pictures“, a couple of posts back.   (If I’d known that mutilation porn would get me so many hits I’d have got necrotizing fasciitis years ago.)   There’ve been a lot of comments, here and elsewhere, and a lot of people asking the same kind of questions. So to try […]

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The Good with the Bad

Category: art on ink, blindsight, writing news

Here’s a break from all the mutilation-fetish stuff that’s been spreading across the ‘crawl lately: some good news to mitigate the bad.  As some of you have noticed, has recently released the results of their (admittedly unscientific) readers poll for the Best SF/Fantasy books of the past decade, and Blindsight hasn’t budged from its […]

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Moving Pictures.

Category: Flesh-Eating Fest '11, public interface

My doctor keeps jamming on his commitment to fork over the shots he took in surgery, the ones showing the necrotic tissue spreading across my leg.  Fuck it;  I’ve kept you waiting too long (only partially due to the above reason, granted; I’m also still comatose for a good chunk of the day), and I […]

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