Category: ink on art, writing news

Another clip show, to clear the decks before I dive back into these gratitudinal e-mails (I’m sending thank-yous to everyone who donated to my legal fund. Even spending 60-90 minutes/day at this task, it’s gonna take forever to get through them all — but if you chipped in, you’ll be hearing from me. It may […]

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Art Imitates Argument

Category: blindsight, ink on art

By now you’ve all noticed the termineetah. She’s the handiwork of a guy called Andrew Chase. You can find other samples of his work over on his website (or cut straight to the cool stuff here and here). We’ve exchanged the occasional e-mail in the past, but I had no idea he built this kind […]

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Not the Heinlein Novel.

Category: Squidgate

Oh, right. Friday. In and out in about five minutes. I was back in Canada by  9:30am (although I got to sit around in the Sarnia Public Library for the next nine hours or so, waiting for the evening train home). Same judge as before, so whatever laid him low the first time around was […]

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Could Blindsight‘s Vampires Beat Twilight‘s Vampires in a Fair Fight?

Category: blindsight

Strangely, that actually seems to be a subject of discussion over at I mean, I’ve never read the Twilight books (those are the vamps that, er, sparkle, yes?), but seriously.  Is there any question?

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Deus Ex Machina: or, Why I’m in Port Huron Twice This Week

Category: Squidgate

Okay, so. Kind of a schizoid crossing this time. The usual level of service was restored on the front lines, where my car was searched (as we all know, evildoers are most likely to smuggle contraband when entering the country for a court appearance), all cell phones were confiscated, and I was berated by a […]

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Long Shots and Long Lists

Category: Squidgate, writing news

Huh. I’ve just been informed by someone codenamed “SciCurious” that my Climategate posting has been chosen as one of the “50 Best Science Blogging Posts of the Year” by an elite cabal of judges running something known as the Open Laboratory! Competition. (I do not know the purpose of the exclamation point. If it is […]

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Either That or it’s Swine Flu

Category: misc

I’ve spewed these shrimp from both ends now From front and back, and still somehow, It’s shrimp gone rotten I recall I really can’t eat shrimmmmmp… At allllllll… To those who were expecting to hear back from me early this week, my apologies. I think the worst has been purged.

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One Damn Thing After Another.

Category: writing news

So, “The Things” — conceived here, given the ol’ prenatal ultrasound here and here, fostered lovingly by Jonathan Strahan until reluctantly put back up for adoption — went live yesterday over at Clarkesworld, in their first edition of 2010. I’m chuffed to discover that they didn’t just post the story; they podcast it as well, […]

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Not to Be Confused With the TV Show About The Plane Crash Survivors

Category: writing news

So I haven’t actually seen a contract yet, but since Gardner Dozois has just announced it over on the Asimov‘s forum I might as well repeat it here: “The Island” is going to be reprinted in Dozois’s 27th volume of The Year’s Best Science Fiction. That makes a total of four best-of-year anthologies for that […]

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Infinite Regression.

Category: Crytek/Crysis, Squidgate

…or maybe just Regression. Either way, this is getting weird. The Port Huron Times-Herald is not just running stories about my case; it has begun running stories on my blog postings about my case. I can hardly wait to see whether they run a piece on this blog posting on their coverage of my last […]

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