Blindsight & Echopraxia

Official Cover Art (most of it, anyway...)

Irek Konior (2008) Irek Konior (2011) Irek Konior
				(2011) Sparth (2009) Sparth (2009) Sparth (2011) Franz Vohwinkel (2008) Georgi Panayotov (2014) Sharksden (2011) Unknown (2008) Unknown
(2008) Chris Cold (2008-?) Unknown (2011) Unknown (2011) Unknown (2009) Jussi Kaakinen (2012) Still Checking (2013) Alejandro
					Terán (2008) Leonard Likas
(2008) Richard Anderson (2014) Richard Anderson (2013) Richard Anderson (2013) Richard Anderson (2013) Richard Anderson (2014) Irek Konior (2014) Irek Konior (2014) Head of Zeus (2014) Head of Zeus, Andrew
Chase (2014) Head of Zeus, Peter Watts (2014) Head of Zeus, Peter Watts (2014) Jozelon (2015) Marchenkov (2015) Gurkov (2015)
					(2015) Jaworsky (2016) Unknown (2016) Unknown (2017) Unknown (2018) Unknown (2018) Unknown (2019) Krivoruchko <i>et al</i> (2019) Krivoruchko <i>et al</i> (2019) Fructus (2020) Manchu (2021) Manchu (2021) Manchu (2022) Unknown (2023) Unknown (2022) Unknown (2022) Unknown (2023) Krivoruchko <i>et al</i> (2019) Unknown (2023) Unknown (2022) Unknown (2023) Manchu (2023) Unknown (2024) Richard Anderson (2014)

The Centipede Editions.

Centipede is a boutique press out of Colorado which specializes in collectors' editions of genre titles (hey, if they're good enough for King and Gaiman, they're good enough for me). They are outstanding. When they rebooted Blindsight and Echopraxia they didn't just slap on a new coat of paint and recycle some essay that came out ten years before. They built actual frontispieces. They got Thomas Walker to do a series of interior illustrations. They produced a thing— two things, actually— of beauty.

Don't take my word for it. See for yourself.

Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019) Thomas Walker (2019)

MAG Interiors.

This is kind of embarrassing. As of this writing (January, 2022) I have only just discovered that one of MAG's hardcover editions of both Blindsight and Echopraxia— both published way back in 2014—came with numerous interior illustrations—moody, charcoalesque sketches by Irek Konior—that I never noticed because I never cracked either set of covers before (they're in Polish, right?). But they're pretty great.

Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014) Konior (2014)

Fan Art

Not so long ago that simple heading would have sufficed— back when those few people noodling around with my words in their heads were content to express themselves with conventional renderings in 2D. Back before they started building models out of metal or in AR. Before they started making trailers and plushies and tattoos and musical compositions, for chrissake. Before even the conventional 2D stuff started falling into reasonably hefty, standalone categories of their own.

So what we've got now is a series of small subheadings under the big one, for ease of navigation. Now, if vampires aren't your thing, you can just skip over 'em.

Various Artists   (95% Vampire-Free)

Ryan Cohen (2011) "Luinloth" (2011) "Ki" (2011) Che Gilson (2007) Che Gilson (2007) Dan Ghiordanescu (2013) Unknown (2013) John Hughs (2014) Alex Kozhanov (2013) Peter Watts (2013) Angus McIntyre (2014) Angus McIntyre (2014) Angus McIntyre (2014) "Alienietzsche" (2015) Angus McIntyre(2015) Derek Greenley(2016) Dmitri Burdokov(2016) "KeeNahMee" (2017) <a href="">KeeNahMee</a> (2017) "Alex Architect" (2017) "Canaury" (2017) Angus McIntyre (2017) Kantellis (2018) Szymborska (2019) лицева (2019) "This Girl is Supernatural" (2020) Andreyev (2020) Andreyev (2020) Andreyev (2020) "mz016akn" (2021) "<a href="">Wiltking Art</a>" (2021) "<a href="">Wiltking Art</a>" (2021) "<a href="">Wiltking Art</a>" (2021) "<a href="">Wiltking Art</a>" (2021) "<a href="">jelatinivan</a>" (2021) "<a href="">jelatinivan</a>" (2021) "<a href="">Itsozaki</a> " (2021) "<a href="">Itsozaki</a> " (2021) "<a href="">Itsozaki</a> " (2021) "<a href="">Itsozaki</a> " (2021) Bell (2023) Quot;Ashy Draws" (2023) Unknown (2022) Frassinelli (2018) Oberg (2023) "Weitergeo"/Midjourney (2022) "Weitergeo"/Midjourney (2022) "Weitergeo"/Midjourney (2022) "BradyKettle" (2023) "Nalfran" (2023) "Nalfran" (2023) "Virgil630" (2023) "kadanungra" (2022) Unknown (2023) "vikugnavikugna" (2023) Glukhov (2024) "<a href="">Twig of fir</a>" (2024) "<a href="">Jellyfish Honk</a>" (2024) "<a href="">Jellyfish Honk</a>" (2024)

Various Artists   (100% Vampiric)

Turns out there's a disproportionate number of vampiphiles in the local fan art community— so many that I finally decided to break the vampire art out under its own subheading. And if this doesn't scratch your itch, keep scrolling: there are yet more vampire renderings in the portfolios of individual artists, just a little further down.

Still waiting for someone to 'ship Jukka and Valerie, though.

Pavels Hotulevs (2014) Holocene (2010) Jukka Sarasti, apparently (2014) Brian Prince
(2014) "DraxMustHurt"(2016) No idea. (2016) No
					idea. (2017) Ivan Yakushev(2017) Janet Bruesselbach(2016) "KeeNahMee" (2017) "KeeNahMee" (2017) "KeeNahMee" (2017) "KeeNahMee"
(2017) "T-Nightingale" (2017) "Canaury" (2017) "Ekaterina"(2017) "jack jack" (2019) "canaury" (2016) Markowiak (2019) Khalid (2019) Kim (2019) "The Flood" (2019) "bardzobart" (2019) "alinemorec" (2019) Kedrin (2019) Kim (2019) "Heshoid5" (2019) Harmsen (2019) Alinemorec (2020) Red Phantom (2020) "Serpens" (2020) "KateK" (2020) Unknown (2020) Katie Welsh (2020) "Ryuki-Draws" (2020) "alinemorec" (2019) "alinemorec" (2020) "alinemorec" (2020) "alinemorec" (2020) "noviss42" (2021) "noviss42" (2021) "Kotvles" (2022) "Weitergeo"/Midjourney (2022) "lonixera" (2022) "BradyKettle" (2023) "BradyKettle" (2023) "Ulnaeum" (2023) "<a href="">Alex Van Gore</a>" (2023) "<a href="">Alex Van Gore</a>" (2023) "<a href="">Alex Van Gore</a>" (2023) "<a href="">Alex Van Gore</a>" (2023) Glukhov (2024) Yuri M. (2024) <a href=quot;">Aline Dautova</a> (2024) Jan Sidoryk (2020) "<a href="">Jellyfish Honk</a>" (2024) "<a href="">Jellyfish Honk</a>" (2024) "<a href="">Jellyfish Honk</a>" (2024) "<a href="">Jellyfish Honk</a>" (2024) "<a href=";>Virgil-630</a>" (2024)

Dmitry SkoLzki

When a single artist's work fills up a whole row in the gallery, it's time to give them their own subsection.

This SkoLzki guy brings a unique perspective to the Blindopraxia universe. His art has an almost grunge/woodcut feel, and yet it captures some essence of character that no one else has quite managed. (His other stuff is outstanding too.)

I really hope he's okay with me posting these. I've reached out for permission, but haven't yet heard back. (Update: Now I have. He's cool with it.)

Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2018) Skolzki (2022) Skolzki (2022)

Rachell, Redacted

Алекс Трейс apparently translates as "Alex Trace". But she goes by "Rachell Redacted" on Tumblr and "QuantumField" over at Deviant Art. That latter handle may be a holdover from her days studying nuclear physics at the National Research Nuclear University in Moscow. Her style's somewhat more whimsical than I expected from a nuclear physicist, but it's also pretty much unique in the the world of Wattsian fan art; saturated, impressionistic, almost mangaoid.

On the evil and pernicious Facebook, she describes herself as an artist "who has no idea what she's doing", but she clearly does.

Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachel_Redacted
(2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2018) Rachell_Redacted (2019) Rachell_Redacted (2019) Rachell_Redacted (2019) Rachell_Redacted (2021) Rachell_Redacted (2021)


Also known, endearingly, as "Olga Marshmallow" and (more opaquely) as "brovitranduila": a Russian artist who's appeared on this page occasionally over the past few years (basically, whenenever I spied one of her works on Tumblr and grabbed it). We recently got in touch over e-mail, which not only got me her official blessing for my piracy but also got me more stuff to pirate. So here it is, in its own subsection.

YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2020) YamiEA (2021) YamiEA (2021) YamiEA (2021) YamiEA (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduilas" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "brovitranduila" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022) "YamiEA" (2022)


This "Pine" character just sort of appeared on the landscape over the past year or so. Certain works made me wonder if it was just another alias for YamiEA et al, but other works (you'll see which ones) look utterly distinctive. So I'm gonna give Pine, whoever they are, their own section. They deserve it.

"Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022) "Pine" (2022)


Yeah, I know. Where do they come up with these names? (Not that I'm complaining. As someone who literally has a whalebone sitting on his sound system, I'm probably more sympathetic than most.)

Anyhow, SingingWhalebone is another terrific Russian artist (and self-described "Eldritch Librarian") with a penchant for psychological portraiture and graphic novelry, and whose work I've also been pilfering for this gallery on and off over the years. Turns out that SingingWhalebone and YamiEA know each other, and I can't say I'm surprised. There was a time there when I thought they might be the same person.

SingingWhalebone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2020) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2022) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2021) SingingWhaleBone (2022) SingingWhaleBone (2022) SingingWhaleBone (2022)

SingingWhalebone & ein & YamiEA: The Valentine Sessions

Three artists with their own distinctive styles, putting aside their differences and working together to create, well...

You kind of have to see it to believe it. So here you go. See away. These started coming out on Valentine's Day, 2021 (duh), but the later ones extended into 2022.

SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) SingingWhalebone & ein (2021) YamiEA (2022) YamiEA (2022) YamiEA (2022) YamiEA (2022) YamiEA (2022) YamiEA (2022)


The following pieces track back to an artist in Belarus going by the name Алексей ("Alexei"). The dude has a range of styles, on a range of subjects, ranging far beyond the (admittedly evocative) greyscale sketches based on my own work. And if I'm reading it right, the originals are for sale.

Just saying.

Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020) Алексей (2020)

"Ryuki Draws"

Apparently "Just R, these days". The lady has an impressive stylistic range, but for some reason all her Blindopraxian fan art seems explicitly designed to loosen up and humanize all my badass-verging-on-post-human characters to the point where you'd kinda want to hang out and party with them.

Not exactly the vibe you get from the books, but there's no denying a whole lot of parallel-worldbuilding going on here.

"Ryuki-Draws" (2020) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2021) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022) "Ryuki-Draws" (2022)


Lurfck applies their distinctive style to subjects ranging from Lovecraft to The Lion King by way of Discworld; appeared on my radar only with the advent of these wonderful Blindsight interpretations over the past year or so. A little like SingingWhalebone in her more hallucinogenic moments. But only a little.

"lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021) "lurfck" (2021)


I do not know what Hasaetis means. But the artist who goes by that name also goes by "Twig of Fur", and— like "Pine/gren" above— seems to have just started posting Blindopraxian stuff over the past year or two. A nice sense of palette from this one: sometimes earth-tone, sometimes almost psychedelic.

"Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2022) "Hasaetis" (2023) "Hasaetis" (2022)


Meet Gargleblaster: another purveyor of fan art (from China, I think) who only popped up on my ego-surfing radar over the past year. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't have attributed this range of styles to a single person: near-doodles to anime bloodscapes to, um, puffy cat vampires. Also I assume they're a Hitchhiker's fan.


"Gargleblaster" (2022) "Gargleblaster" (2022) "Gargleblaster" (2022) "Gargleblaster" (2022) "Gargleblaster" (2022) "Gargleblaster" (2023) "Gargleblaster" (2023) "Gargleblaster" (2023) "Gargleblaster" (2023) "Gargleblaster" (2023) "Gargleblaster" (2023) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024) "Gargleblaster" (2024)

"ein" (aka cr3aturefeature)

Ein self-describes as "The Horribly Slow Artist with the Extremely Inefficient Pencil". His style is somewhat rougher than most of the stuff you'll find hereabouts— but that very quality conveys emotional content in a way less-jagged interpretations can't. Check it out.

"ein" (2020) "ein" (2020) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2021) "ein" (2022)

"северный мухоморein"...

...translates as "Northern Fly Agaric", or "northern mohomor" or "much of the northern", depending on which translator you use. None of them make much sense to me. Might as well just go with Which Deepspace-KSW. Whatever you call them, they're part of my own personal Russian mafia, bringing a jangling, vibrant, and colorful style to the mix.

"Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2021) "Deepspace-KSW" (2022) "Deepspace-KSW" (2022)

Jon Bell

Jon Bell is a CG artist and tech writer with enough time on his hands to build a model of the Crown of Thorns in Autodesk 3ds Max. These are non-textured prototypes, essentially a promise of things to come. But I couldn't wait.

Jon Bell (2023) Jon Bell (2023) Jon Bell (2023) Jon Bell (2023) Jon Bell (2023)

More recently, he created these Scrambler Christmas Ornaments for those of us who still celebrate the solstice ritual but find the whole baby-Jesus thing hopelessly cliché:

Not <i>really</i> Hallmark, mind you.

Some of you expressed understandable interest in obtaining these little treasures—and while Jon obviously has neither the time nor the resources to take orders from way over in Portugal, he was kind enough to share the requisite printer files. You can find them zipped at the other end of this link, and if you have access to a 3D printer you should be able run off as many as you like.

From Jon and me. With our compliments.

Merch, Metal, Multimedia, and Miscellany.

Some stuff doesn't really fit in with the Deviant Art crowd. Some of it turns out to be wearable. Some of it can be listened to. Some of it literally gets under your skin. Maybe this new diversity of media means that I've "arrived".

If so, it took long enough.


Florian Seidl-Schulz is a Bavarian software engineer who, among other things, builds video games. Inspired by the crapsack world-building of the Firefall books, he cobbled together these elegant little radio ads for AI Tamer, Retirement into Heaven, and package tours to all those places on Earth we can't live any more because we're rendered them uninhabitable. The upbeat, relentlessly perky tone of capitalism's last desperate gambit to squeeze a few extra bucks from the wreckage is just perfect.


Sergey Cheremisinov is a Russian composer whose stuff can be be found over on Bandcamp and Spotify. He also, as chance would have it, penned the soundtrack for "The Challenge": the first (and so far only) movie actually shot in space, aboard the ISS.

He wrote a mini-soundtrack for Blindsight in three movements: "Oort", "Saccade", and "Sentience". I present them here, spliced into a single file. Please forgive the occasional mouse or other artifact: It's kinda what happens when you're screen-recording on YouTube while suffering from the plague. Likewise the lack of a thumbnail; it's already Christmas Eve and I need to get this fucker presented in an hour, tops.

I hope the guy's okay.These days, even talking to someone who's spoken out against that psychopathic slimeball is enough to get you five years or more.


Steven Archer (2019) Steven Archer (2019) Steven Archer (2019) Martyna Lejman (2012) Daniel Cotte (2013) Iskandar Mirzoganiev (2019) Eve Arychuk (2010) Andrew Chase (2010) Andrew Chase (2010) Andrew Chase (2010) Andrew Chase (2010) YamiEA (2021) Magic Forest Tatto (2021) Soroko (2021) CD Projekt Red (2015) Tempest Studio? (2023)

A ragged, far-flung group of expat Russian VFX artists— spread out now, across the northern hemisphere— have lovingly crafted a Blindsight tribute over at They built concept art and wallpapers. They built tactical animations. The four-and-a-half minute short that ultimately resulted is a small masterpiece, from the FX to the editing to the voice acting. The behind-the-scenes extras are worth the price of admission all on their own.

Here are a few of the treasures they've built. Really, though, you have to check out the site.

<a href=""></a> (2017) <a href=""></a> (2017) <a href=""></a> (2017)
(2017) <a
href=""></a> (2017) <a href=""></a> (2018) <a href=""></a> (2018) <a href=""></a> (2018) <a href=""></a> (2018) <a href=""></a> (2019) <a href=""></a> (2019) <a href=""></a> (2019) <a href=""></a> (2020) <a href=""></a> (2020) <a href=""></a> (2020)

This tactical animation of spaceship trajectories in the wake of Firefall is astronomically accurate:

The team accessed the IAU database for the positions and trajectories of hundreds of real solar-system objects, and cycled them ahead to 2082.

I'm not worthy.

As if that wasn't enough, they also built a virtual Theseus model for use in (iPhone/iPad) augmented-reality environments. You can download the file here.

I am even less worthy than I was before.

Blindsight— The Lost Covers.

Artist Thomas Pringle did some really nice cover art for the US release of Blindsight. Chances are, you never saw it.

Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle
(2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) Thomas Pringle (2005) ? (2006)

I've taken the liberty of turning Pringle's original works into a collection of "Alternate Covers", for true connoisseurs to download. You can find them here.